
At its most basic, a job is just a collection of tasks and duties. An employee’s enjoyment of his or her job will thus largely depend upon whether or not he or she is happy with the particular mix of tasks and duties allocated to that position. Naturally, each and every member of staff is different—some employees want to do easy, routine tasks without any responsibilities at all, whilst others prefer challenging, varied ones and are pleased to accept any additional responsibilities offered to them. Of course, with a job there are more【 factors】 in play than this: work conditions, pay, working relations and future prospects are relevant too. Nevertheless, tasks and duties are the central feature, and should therefore be considered as a separate issue in themselves
【】里头的是正确答案,其他的选项有: pieces ; roles ; parts 我一直不能理解为什么选factors,能讲讲吗?那句话的含义我也不太明白,不知道in paly than在这里起什么作用?

正解是“因素”的意思。in是在工作环境中,而play是和句首的with搭配的,than this中的this是指前面提到的因素。整句的意思就是“当然,考虑一份工作远不止这个因素:工作环境,薪资,工作关系和职业前景也是有关的”