主题为How to keep healthy的英语作文


希望帮到你。(附汉语) How to keep Healthy
What’s the most important thing in the world? I think it is to be healthy. You can live without money, houses, cars or computers, but you won’t live a happy life if you are not healthy. Then how to keep healthy?
First we must eat healthily. We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other kinds of food. Taking exercises is also very important, it can help us build a strong body. If you don’t like sports you can walk for half an hour after meals.
Secondly, we must stay happy all the time. I think making friends is one of the best ways to help us stay happy. Because when you are with your friends, you can share your happiness with them, or you can tell them of your worries. Then you will be happy soon.
In a word, keeping healthy is very important, let’s take good of ourselves.

第1个回答  2012-05-11
How to keep healthy
It is very important to keep healthy, but how? Here are some tips for you.
First,you should pay attentation to proper diet. It is very important for us to take more fish, meat and beans, especially fruits and vegetables. Because they provide vitamins and they help in the process of digestion. Don't eat too much sweet food. They are bad for your health.
Second. You'd better do morning exercise every day. Do sports can make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Getting too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system.So do more exercise is rewarding for us.
Third. To be in good health, you have to sleep enough. Don't stay up too late.
In general, you require at least eight hours every day.
I think good habit is helpful. If you stick to all the things above, you'll be healthy.

第2个回答  2012-05-11
how to keep healthy
first you should do more exercise, takeing more excercise is a good way to keep fit.every moring,just get up an hour earlier to the park to run, jump, play soccer and so on. sencon you should have a balenced diat. don't eat junk food, and have more fruits and vetetables. the old says, an apple a day, keep the doctor away. so it's good for us to eat the right things.
第3个回答  2012-05-14
Here is my advice about how to keep healthy.As a student,first you would better do more exercise such as playing ball games ,running ,swimming and jumping ropes.Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals .Don't eat too much meat ,but more vegetables and fruit .Tired you need enough sleep or rest .Next keep yourself happy .As people often say smiling makes younger .Last you mustn 't drink
第4个回答  2013-07-16
How to keep healthy
With the development of people's living standard, huge amounts of people have become to focus on balancing diet and keep fit.
In my opinion, you can be a healthy person just follow the advices as below:
Firstly, we need more vegetable and fruits as well as execrising and having the enough time to sleep.
On the contrary, we should also pay attention to some backdraws, such as excessed fat and sugar. Moreover, much coffee is also harmful for us and overwork is a bad hehavior.
In conclusion, after following the six important rules, you will to be given a sound body and high-level mind totally.