

The real estate industry is the pillar industry of national economy, on one hand, through to the downstream and relevant industry drive, its development from the supply side to promote the growth of whole countryman economy. On the other hand, the real estate industry provides the residential commodity at the same time is a country's wealth is an important component of, under the financial crisis, its price fluctuations in demand from the face of the operation of the entire national economy and have an important impact on national welfare.

This article first elaborated in the context of the financial crisis, China's real estate industry problems and policy of macroscopical adjusting control problems, then from our country real estate structure, source of funds, policy of macroscopical adjusting control direction as well as the relationship between the central and local governments in areas such as analysis of the causes of the problems. Finally, based on above analysis, combine the reality of our country, put forward to our country real estate macro-control policies, the expectations from the land policy, financial policy, local government, to standardize the development of real estate industry, make its return to reason, and to ensure that our country macroscopical economy to achieve long term, stable, sustainable development.
第1个回答  2012-05-28
This article first elaborated in the context of the financial crisis, China's real estate industry problems and policy of macroscopical adjusting control problems, then from our country real estate structure, source of funds, policy of macroscopical adjusting control direction as well as the relationship between the central and local governments in areas such as analysis of the causes of the problems. Finally, based on above analysis, combine the reality of our country, put forward to our country real estate macro-control policies, the expectations from the land policy, financial policy, local government, to standardize the development of real estate industry, make its return to reason, and to ensure that our country macroscopical economy to achieve long term, stable, sustainable development.