帮忙改一下下面这些短文 谢谢

It is traditionally believed that woman is weaker than man, man is smarter than woman. As far as I am concerned, it depends, in some fields women frequently succeed brilliantly, such as drivers, secretary, scientists, and university professors and so on. Take driving for example. Though men sneer at women for their driving, women really cause far fewer accidents than men. Women are too conscientious and responsible to drive like maniacs. Another example is secretary. As we know most of sectaries are women. Women are more careful in details; they can help mangers to arrange a lot of things, just as time, meeting, trip and so on. However we must admit men are better in some fields. For example, boys are good at math, physics, chemistry and they always do better than girls in these programs at school. Another example, men are good at designing buildings, as we know, most of architects are male. So we can not say who is smarter unilaterally. The society concludes both men and women, they have the equal status, and they serve the society together.

Imagination is a word with three kinds of meanings. One is the ability to create pictures in your mind or the part of your mind that does this. Everyone has imagination, it is very important to every one of us. Whenever we want to do something, we have the imagination first then we are determined to work for it, we strive in one way or another to realize the imagination. Another meaning is the ability to have new and exciting ideas. As we know a lot of inventions depend on this kind of imagination. Such as the invention of the electric lamp, steamer and so on. All these depend on the people’s imagination. However imagination has another meaning, something that you have imagined rather than something that exists, it is the unrealistic thought. At this time, we should be sensible whether the imagination is well-founded or not. If it is we should plan and work hard for its realization, if it is not, we should stop imagination because it is just maggot. In a word, imagination is very important to us, we should make right use of it.

Compared with blue I like red better. When it comes to red, we will think of enthusiasm, happy, warm, vigor, love and so on. As we know, our blood is red, it is the most important ingredient in our body, it is the symbol of life. Red also stands for happiness. For example, in old times of china, when there is a wedding, the red will becomes the main color. The house is full of red; the quilt is red, the candle is red, the bride must wear the red cloth. People think red is a propitious color. Red is the expression of love. Sweetheart will send red rose to each other to express their love. We often connect red with warm to. We all know fire is red; it can give out heat and keep our body warm and comfortable. In a word, red is a kind of alive color, I like red better than blue.

第1个回答  2008-01-04
建议在好好修改一下 都是整句 看起来会比较平淡 适时多用些反问句啊什么的