
1. 十年前他成为了一名导游。
2. 我已经完成了四分之三的作业。
3. 你介意洗一下碗吗?一点都不介意。
4. 当外星人从飞碟中出来时,我正在公园里散步。
5. 你集邮多久了?自从我得到一份工作时就开始了。
6. 他经常锻炼,是不是?不,他从不锻炼。
7. 你还没吃午饭,是不是?不,我吃过了。
8. 如果他吃少点肉,他会更瘦一点。
9. 她说她正在滑冰。
10. 我不知道你明天是否会去野餐。
11. 他不够年轻不能去做完成这项任务。
12. 你知道他们每天什么时候起床吗?
13. 自从我回到北京以来,我已经在这里呆了三天了。
14. 昨天这个时候我正在家里洗衣服。
15. 十天后他回来看我。
1. 一双滑冰鞋
2. 筹集钱去做某事
3. 把钱用完
4. 在我七岁生日的时候
5. 开始滑冰
6. 一个拥有灿烂历史的城市
7. 采用俄罗斯风格
8. 越…, 就越…
9. 马上
10. 从..出来
11. 生气
12. 恼火
13. 调低电视音量
14. 控制你的声音
15. 当众做某事
16. 在公共场所
17. 靠近…站着
18. 某人发生…事
19. 够创意
20. 不够特别
21. 以不同的方式
22. 在舞台上
23. 来自中国各地
24. 鼓励某人去做某事
25. 对…感兴趣
26. 取得进步
27. 听说
28. 在船上观光,兜风
29. 实际上
30. 把它称为主题公园
31. 例如
32. 遍及
33. 一直
34. 选择不同的路线
35. 在同一个地方结束
36. 如此多的乐趣
37. 在船上,甲板上
38. 东南亚
39. 四分之三的人口
40. 害怕;担心
41. 做…有麻烦
42. 做某事似乎是…的
43. 在白天
44. 醒来
45. 一整年
46. 靠近…
47. 你可以选择什么时候去都可以

1 He became a tourist guide ten years ago.
2 I've finished three-fourths homework.
3 Do you mind washing the bowls ? No, not at all.
4 I was walking in the park ,when the alien came out of the UFO.
5 How long have you been collecting stamps ? I've started it since I got my first job.
6 He usually takes exercise ,doesn't he ? No, he never takes exercise .
7 You have not had lunch yet, have you ? Yes, I've already had my lunch.
8 He would get thinner if he took less meat.
9 She said she was skating.
10 I don't know if you'll go for the picnic.
11 He is too young to finish this task.
12 Do you know when they get up everyday ?
13 I have been here for three days since I came back to Beijing.
14 I was washing clothes at this time yesterday.
15 He'll come back to see me after ten days later.

1 A pair of skating shoes
2 Raise money for doing sth.
3 Run out of money
4 When my seven years birthday
5 Start skating
6 A city with a glorious history
7 Use Russian style
8 the more..., the more...
9 right away
10 come out of...
11 angry
12 annoyed
13 turn down the TV
14 Control your voice
15 Do sth. in public
16 in a public place
17 stand close to sb.
18 sth happen to sb.
19 creative enough
20 not special enough
21 in different ways
22 on the stage
23 from all over China
24 encourage sb. to do sth.
25 be interested in sth.
26 make progress
27 hear of
28 Boat/ship sightseeing
29 in fact
30 call it a theme park
31 for instance / for example /such as
32 all over/ reach as far as
33 all the time
34 choose different ways
35 end up at same place
36 so much fun
37 on board
38 Southeast Asia
39 three quarters of people
40 be afraid of
41 have trouble with ...
42 It seems to be...in doing sth.
43 in the daytime / during the daytime
44 wake up
45 A whole year
46 near/ close to
47 You can choose whenever to go

第1个回答  2012-05-26
句子1 He became a tourist guide 10 years ago.

2 I've finishied Three fourths of the
homework already.

3 Do you mind wash dishes?
I don't mind at all

4 I was taking a walk in the park when the alien came out from the UFO

5How long did you collect stamps?
Since i got my first job

6DO he take exercise often,doesn't he?
NO he never do that.

7Didn't you have lunch did you?
NO i have

8He'll be thiner if he eat meat less

9She said she was skating

10 I don't know if you'll have picnic tomorrow.

11He is too young to finish the mission

12 Do you know when they wake up every day?

13I've stay here for 3 days since i came back to beijing.

14 I was washing clothes at home on this time yesterday

15 He'll come back to see me 10 days later.
1 A pair of skates
2 Raise some money to do sth
3Run out of money
4On my seven birthday
5Start skating
6A city With a colorful history
先发这么多吧 太多了 手都麻了~
第2个回答  2012-05-26