
TODAY I went to Sam`s school in the UK.It was really different from my school in China.
Girls wore gray skirts and white shirts,boys wore gray trousers,and everyone wore the school tie.Some of Sam`s lessons were a bit strange for me.We were reading Shakespeare in the English lesson,and there were all sorts of old-fashioned words like "thou"and"thee"to mean"you".In history we studied 20th Century China .It was strange hearing a foreign side of history-and hearing English people trying to say all our Chinese names!
Classes were also a lot more relaxed than in China .Male teachers were called"sir "and female teachers "miss"out of respect ,but everyone shouted out answers and waved their hands in lessons.It was more like a debate than a class.A bell rang at the end of each lesson and everyone jumped up to go to the next class.
At break we bought potato chips and cookies in the dining room.Lunch was later than in China-at 1 o`clock.We had big plates of shepherd`s pie with peas and carrots.For dessert there was hot sweet rice,called rice pudding,with jam in it.
It was good that I'd had a decent lunch, because at Sam's school Monday afternoons were taken up with sports.
I played my first game of netball-a bit like basketball,but with some differences.Luckily I`d had a quick look in the rule book before I tried to join in the game.
