cut. down的用法

cut. down的用法

cut down意为“砍倒”时,常指砍倒树或某物;意为“削减、降低”时,常指削减开支或降低产量或价格;意为“因疾病夺去生命”时,常指因为遭受某些疾病而失去生命;意为“驳倒”时,常指观点或言论被驳倒;意为“改小或缩短(衣服等)”时,常指改小衣服的尺寸和大小等。
第1个回答  2016-03-17
cut down
1.make sth.fall by cutting 砍倒
Many big trees along the road have been cut down for building houses.路旁的许多大树都被砍掉建房了。
2.reduce;lessen 削减;降低
This factory's production has been cut down.这家工厂的生产减少了。
Strenuous efforts have been made to cut down government expenses to a desirable level.政府已尽力把开支削减到了一个理想的水平。
In the end,I cut the dealer down by another$ 5.00.最后我使商贩把价格又减少了5美元。
The workers are doing all they can to cut down the accident rate.工人们正在尽一切努力降低事故率。
3.deprive of life or health(by disease,etc.)因疾病等夺去生命
The man was cut down in his primeof manhood by a pneumonia.那人因患肺炎而英年早逝。
4.destroy(an argument)驳倒
His arguments are very easy to cut down.他的论点很容易被驳倒。
He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.他非常能言善辩,驳倒了最好的演说家。
5.reduce the size of(clothes,etc.)改小或缩短(衣服等)
The tailor is cutting down my dress.裁缝正在把我的衣服改小。本回答被网友采纳