

It is great to have you in my life for helping me both in my study and in my personal affairs. I have to say thank you from the bottom of my mind.


 You were SO nice to me and so helpful that I could not even overe any of the difficulties that I have encountered without the assistance from you. Please aept my sincere appreciation for what you have done and I will definitely cherish the friendship we have.







第1个回答  2016-10-10
Maybe there are some people, they don't like the teacher took us to navigate the sea of knowledge, also won't like parents tell me the true meaning of life. They will give you some brief but moving story, they may teach you play the game fun and healthy. They are my good friends, good students.
I want to thank my friend. In class, we discussed together; After class, we happy playing together. They make me smile and happy.
We have good things always play together. We are together in the silent corner listening to the music box piece; Always in whose home help doll hair style and clothes design, playing. We are on a roll in the grass, and then climbed up the tree to pick the delicious berry; On the night of the moon, we speak on the roof of the creepy ghost stories, and so on. Thank my friend gave me these it is worth collecting, memorable story.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-05-21
Maybe there are some people, they don't like the teacher took us to navigate the sea of knowledge, also won't like parents tell me the true meaning of life. They will give you some brief but moving story, they may teach you play the game fun and healthy. They are my good friends, good students.
I want to thank my friend. In class, we discussed together; After class, we happy playing together. They make me smile and happy.
We have good things always play together. We are together in the silent corner listening to the music box piece; Always in whose home help doll hair style and clothes design, playing. We are on a roll in the grass, and then climbed up the tree to pick the delicious berry; On the night of the moon, we speak on the roof of the creepy ghost stories, and so on. Thank my friend gave me these it is worth collecting, memorable story.
第3个回答  2017-05-17
Dear my friend,
It is great to have you in my life for helping me both in my study and in my personal affairs. I have to say thank you from the bottom of my mind. You were so nice to me and so helpful that I could not even overcome any of the difficulties that I have encountered without the assistance from you. Please accept my sincere appreciation for what you have done and I will definitely cherish the friendship we have.
Wish you all the best.
第4个回答  推荐于2017-06-12
This American travel,thanks to the friends of friends of hospitality,and give us good work,really thank you very much.Your passion,I really do not know how to use language to express.The earth is a family,we are all part of this big family,this time to the United States and have a deeper understanding and experience.The American friends,thank you for your Chinese friends,and sincerely welcome you to China for a visit,let us make a master!本回答被网友采纳