

Detective Conan a new high school detective Kudo, known as the savior of the Japanese police, Heisei era of Sherlock Holmes. Time in the hair with childhood amusement park Leland to play, the way found two bizarre Men in Black. Kudo one of the new track until the underground scene, but because of too much focus on it did not see another black person from the back, under a clubbing. Later, he was forced to sink under the black people called "APTX-4869" the mysterious poison, the body back to its early development status of children. If black people know that a new Kudo is still alive, will make friends around the lives of their loved ones are threatened, so a new alias for "Conan" with host father is a detective of the blue Maori Kogoro home. Dr. enterprises in Afghanistan with the help of Detective Conan continued life - upon discovering the truth waiting for an opportunity to use the gun to watch Maori Kogoro type of narcotic sleep, and then with the bow-tie voice-changer to imitate the sound of Kogoro reasoning to solve a number of cases of . At the same time, he also has been looking for the whereabouts of black people, hope that one day will change back to the original appearance of this criminal organization to justice.

名侦探柯南高中生侦探工藤新一,被称为日本警察的救世主,平成年代的的福尔摩斯。一次在与青梅竹马的毛利兰去游乐园游玩时,途中发现了两个诡异的黑衣人。工藤新一跟踪其中一个直至地下交易现场,但由于太过专注,没有察觉另一个黑衣人从后面一棒打下。之后,他被黑衣人强迫灌下一种名为“APTX-4869”的神秘毒药,身体回到发育期的孩童状态。要是黑衣人知道工藤新一还活着,必将使周围的亲人好友的生命受到威胁,于是新一化名为“柯南”寄住在父亲毛利小五郎是侦探的兰家。 ...追问


第1个回答  推荐于2016-04-18
Detective Conan is one of the most famous cartoons in both Japan and China. It is about a boy called Conan works out some problem that adults cannot solve. In fact, he ate a kind of medcine and change a student in high school into a younger boy.
On the other hand, this cartoon can tell us a lot of things that we don't know. It is a good choice to see this wonderful cartoon.