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图论起源于著名的柯尼斯堡七桥问题。在柯尼斯堡的普莱格尔河上面有七座桥将河中的岛及岛与河岸是连接起来的(如下图),有一个问题是要从这四块陆地中任何一块开始,通过每一座桥而且正好只能通过一次,而且再回到起点。曾经有许多人经过无数次的尝试都没有成功。然而在1736年,欧拉神奇般的解决了这个问题,他用抽像分析法将这个问题化为了第一个图论问题:即用点来代替每一块陆地,将每一座桥用连接相应的两个点的一条线来代替,故而相当于得到了一个“图”(如下图)。欧拉研究并解决了此问题,他把问题归结为 下图右边图“一笔画”问题,证明了这个问题是没有解的。他不仅解决了此问题,且给出了连通图可以一笔画的重要条件是它们是连通的,且奇顶点(通过此点弧的条数是奇数)的个数为0或2.这项工作使得欧拉成为图论〔及拓扑学〕的创始人。
在现实世界中,事物的许多状态都可以由图形来描述,使其简单直观,便于理解,帮助思维,易于记忆,同时还可以根据图的特点,广义Petersen 图作为图论内容的一部分,研究它对我们加深图论的理解具有一定的意义。广义Petersen 图是Petersen 图的推广, 是一类重要的互联网络, 所以许多年来受到广泛关注和研究。在图的控制理论中, 对给定的一个图或者一类图一个基本的问题是确定其控制数。虽然对任意图确定其控制数至今还在研究,仍然还有许多未解决的地方,在目前的研究中, 完全确定了控制数的图类是很少的,但是我们可以确定一些特殊图类的控制数,许多工作是研究在给定条件下一般的图或某一类图的控制数.以此为背景,我们尝试对该领域内主要贡献者的观点进行归纳,并梳理其理论逻辑,力求从另一个侧面去理解广义petersen图,进而它的实质。具体说,我们可以从广义petersen图引入、发展和变迁的全过程看,它的性质内容究竟是什么?从历史发展到现在出发,我们将得到什么更多性质和未来内容?随着各种疑难的解决,我们如何猜想到广义petersen图更多的方向?本文期望能为人们进一步寻求上述问题的答案提供一些有益的视角。  本文对文献的综述基本上按照广义petersen图大概发展进程展开。总结评论XX等人的各种理论假说和提出一些猜想。尽管文献的视角各不相同,但大多数都是广义petersen图控制数理论起步的。随着历史的进步,广义 petersen图控制数更多的性质和内容将被发现提出求证。

第1个回答  2012-05-21
Graph theory, it is a branch of mathematics, is a new subject, the rapid development and wide application. It has been widely applied to physical, chemical, operations research, computer science, electronics, information theory, control theory, network management, social science almost all subject areas. On the other hand, along with the development of these disciplines, particularly the rapid development of the computer science, and contributed greatly to the development of the graph theory.
Major in graph theory as the research object. The research object graph theory is by some given point and connecting the two o 'clock line form graphics, the graphics usually used to describe something of a specific relationship between, with dots represent things, with connecting the two o 'clock line said two things with corresponding between this relationship, it is usually used in mathematics abstraction of the typical representative of visual thinking method.
Graph theory is itself a part of applied mathematics from many people like, history of graph theory in the study of both the genius mathematician who many, many of the amateur. The documentation of graph theory first appeared in the treatise of euler in 1736, he thought the original problem has a strong practical background.
Graph theory originated in the famous ko seven bridge in Johannesburg. The belt in Johannesburg, at axel seven bridge over the river to the island and the island is connected with the Banks (as shown), there is a problem is to these four pieces of land from any of a start, through each bridge and happened only through a, and go back to the starting point. There have been many people after countless try to all have no success. In 1736, however, euler incredible solved the problem, he will be the problem as analysis smoke into the first graph theory problem, which USES some to replace every piece of land, will each bridge with connecting corresponding two points of a line to replace, so get the equivalent of a "figure" (as shown). Euler research and solved the problem, he put the question comes down to below the right figure "a stroke" problem, proved that the problem is not the solution. He not only solved the problem, and gives the connected graph can draw a of the important conditions is that they are connected, and strange vertex (through the point of arc article is odd number) of the number of 0 or 2. The job makes euler become graph theory (and the founder of topology).
In the real world, many of the things states by graphics to describe, make its simple, intuitive, and easy to understand, help thinking, easy to memory, and at the same time according to the characteristics of the graph, generalized Petersen figure as part of the content of graph theory, research the deepening our understanding of the graph theory has certain significance. General Petersen figure is Petersen figure of promotion, is a kind of important in the Internet, so many years the attention and research. In figure control theory, to a given a figure or kind of figure a basic question is sure the KongZhiShu. Although any intention to determine the KongZhiShu still research, still have many unresolved place, in the present study, the KongZhiShu completely determined the figure class is very small, but we can be sure some special figure kind KongZhiShu, many research work is in a given situation general graph or a kind of figure of KongZhiShu. For this background, we try to the main contributor to the field of view is concluded, and analyzing its theoretical logic, and strive to from another side to understand the generalized petersen figure, and the essence of it. Specifically, we can from the generalized petersen figure into the whole process of development and change, see, it is what is the nature of the content? From the historical development up to now start, we'll get what the nature and the future more content? With all kinds of complicated solution, how we suppose to generalized petersen figure more direction? This paper further hope for the people to seek the answer to that question with some useful perspective. This paper reviewed the documents in accordance with the general petersen figure basically about on the development process. Summarize comments of XX various theory hypothesis and puts forward some guess. Although the perspective of literature each are not identical, but most are generalized petersen figure KongZhiShu theory of start. Along with the progress of history, generalized petersen figure KongZhiShu more nature and content will be found proposed verification.
第2个回答  2012-05-25
第3个回答  2012-05-27
第4个回答  2012-05-23