

1. Yana—arna: The name Yana, whether used in a Chinese or English name, is generally pleasant to the ear and exudes a sense of elegance, reminiscent of British style. The character "娜" is an transliterated character often used to describe a woman's beauty. Combined with Yana, the name highlights the beauty of a woman.
2. Sunny—shani: It is common for girls in China to have the character "莎" in their Chinese names, which means grass and can be used in medicine. It symbolizes a safe and healthy life for the child. Although "sunny" is a less common English name, it is sophisticated and elegant.
3. Qiao Ya—joya: "Qiao" is a common English name that sounds refreshing and short. "雅" means elegant and refined, often used to describe women's graceful and dignified demeanor. Joya is a unique and representative Chinese name that carries cultural significance.
4. Angela—angele: The name Angela is a direct transliteration of the Chinese name "安琪", which means angel or guardian spirit. It signifies that every child is an angel and a cherished guardian in the eyes of their parents. The name is popular because it sounds smooth and easy to remember in both Chinese and English.
5. Sharon—sharon: When choosing a name that combines Eastern and Western cultures, it is important to understand the potential meanings of the name to avoid cultural misunderstandings. For example, "猫" (cat) and "基蒂" (kitty) can have inappropriate connotations in English slang. Therefore, it is appropriate to modify these names to "Cathy" and "Kate" respectively to align with proper naming conventions.