


If I want to talk about my hobby, I can talk like a river, and I'm afraid I can't finish it for three days and three nights.

My hobbies are very wide, such as calligraphy, painting, watching TV and so on, all of which are my favorite. But what I love best is dancing.

Mom said that when I was a child, I was very lively and active. When I heard the music on TV, I couldn't help playing around with the music on TV. When my mother saw that I was so active, she simply signed up for a dance class and asked me to learn to dance. 

At first, I felt very fresh, and I had been studying hard and dancing hard. But later, within a month, I began to feel a little disgusted with learning dance, disgusted with the same movements. 

But soon the teacher began to teach new dances, and my curiosity became strong again. 

In response to this question, I specifically asked the teacher, who said to me, "At the beginning, we were practicing basic skills, and we could learn more difficult dances and more difficult movements only if we had a solid study, didn't we?" 

Later, I learned that learning to dance is like building a house. Only when the foundation is built can we build it layer by layer. 

Since then, I have studied dance harder. Up to now, I have been learning to dance for five years. Dance has become an integral part of my life.

Besides dancing, I have one of my greatest hobbies, which is reading.

I love reading very much. I have to read in the morning, at night, sit and walk. I don't forget to bring a book with me when I go to the toilet. 

Every time when I am studying, my mother asks me to do something, I always answer "Good!" But there has been no movement. Now my books are everywhere in my home. Stacking these books is as high as a hill.

This is my hobby. I will continue to study dance and read books. They will always be my best friends. I love dancing! I love reading!










