

1…not so much…as (but)…与其说…还不如说…
He is not so much a teacher as a scholar.
与其说他是老师, 还不如说是学者.(注意翻译时动作的对象.)
2….not so much that…as (but) that…与其说…还不如说…
It wasn’t so much his appearance I liked as his personality.
与其说我喜欢他的外表, 不如说我喜欢他的品格.
3…not so much as…(=not even) 甚至于不…, 连…也不…
It’s not so much that I don’t want to come but I just haven’t got the time.
到不是因为我不想来, 而是我更本没时间.
4…might as well… as… 与其说…还不如说…
He didn’t so much as say thank you after all we’d done for him.
我们为他干了那么多事, 他甚至连谢谢都没有说一声.
5. other than 不同于, 非, 除…之外.
The actor performed other than perfectly. 演员的表演远非尽善尽美.
He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.
他除了向我要东西外, 从来不和我说话.
6. more than / more…than
She is more beautiful than her sister. 她比她姐姐漂亮。
George is more intelligent than aggressive.与其说他言行放肆,不如说他聪明过人。
John is less daring than quick-witted.与其说他胆大, 不如说他脑子灵活.
George was less intelligent than aggressive.与其说他聪敏过人, 不如说他言行放肆.
7. no more than
至多, 不超过, 仅仅, 只是, 相当于only, 后接名词或数词, 在句中起形容词作用.
He has no more than 50 dollars. 他只有不过50美圆.
The estimate of 20,000 tons was probably no more than another wild assumption of theirs.这个两万吨的估计数字, 也许只是他们的又一个胡编乱造.
8. no more…than (往往加句子) 同…一样, 不意味着前后都否定.

1. have none of 不参加; 不准; 不接受
I will have none of your stupid ideas ! 我才不接受你那愚蠢的想法!
He was offered a job but he said he’d have none of it.他有一个工作机会, 但他说他不接受.
2. none but (=nothing but): 只有(=only)
None but the brave deserves the fair. 只有英雄才配的上美人.
She chose none but the best.她只选最好的.
She is nothing but a child. 她只不过是个孩子.
3. none other than: (表示惊讶)不是别人, 正是…(=no one else but)
It’s none other than Tom! We thought you were in Africa.
4. none the +比较级+for: 毫不, 一点也不
He spent 2 weeks in hospital but he’s none the better for it.
他在医院里呆了两个星期, 但一点也没好转.
My car is none the worse for wear. 我的车子一点也没有损耗.
5. none too: (在形容词或副词前) 不太; 一点都不
The service in this restaurant is none too fast. 这家旅馆的服务一点效率都没有.
6. anything but: 除….之外什么都(此处的but等于except) 决不(=not at all)
I eat anything but (except) fish. 除了鱼, 我什么都吃.
She is anything but a good cook. 她决不是个好厨师.(即:除了好厨师,她什么都是.)
7. anything of: (疑问句/条件句)一点点 (否定句)一点也(没有)
Is he anything of a poet ? 他有一点点诗人的样子吗?
I haven’t seen anything of him lately. 最近我没有见过他.
8. or something: 或什么的(表示说话者不能肯定)
She is a stewardess or something.他是空姐或什么的.
9. something like: 有点像, 大约
An airship is shaped something like a cigar. 飞船的形状有点像雪茄.
10.something of a…: 多少有点, 有几分像, 略懂
He is something of a book collector. 他有几分像书籍收藏家.
11.something to/in: (叙述等)有些道理
There is something to/in what you say; I’ll take your advice.
你说的有些道理, 我会接受你的建议.
12.have/be something to do with: 与…有关
I think Guy Fawkes had/was something to do with a plan to blow up the bridge.
13.nothing but (=none but=only): 仅仅, 只不过
We could see nothing but fog.除了雾之外我们什么也看不见.
14.make nothing of: (常和can一起用)不理解; 不重视,轻视 (=think nothing of)
I could make nothing of the passage. 我不理解这篇文章.
He makes/thinks nothing of working ten hours a day. 他不在乎一天工作十小时.
15.to say nothing of: 更不用说(=not to mention/without mentioning)
Three people were badly hurt, to say nothing of damage to the building.
三人受了重伤, 建筑物的损害更不用说了.
16.have nothing to do with:与…无关
17.nothing if not: 格外的; 非常的(=very/much/extremely)
He was nothing if not clever. (=he was very clever.) 他格外聪敏
18.nothing of: 无…的部分; 无…的气质
There was nothing of the lady in her behavior. 她的举止根本没有淑女的气质.
19.but for 要不是
But that +从句: 若不是…
But for the rain we should have a pleasant journey.
He would have helped us but he was short of money at the time.
要不是他那时缺钱, 他是会帮助我们的.
注1).but that引导的从句中谓语用陈述语气.
2).but that有灵活的译法.如:Nothing would satisfy that child but that I place her on my lap.(那孩子什么都不要, 只要我把她抱在怀里.)
20. “名词+or+名词”结构中or后的名词是同位语, 应译为 “即…;或者称…”
Moreover, technology includes techniques, or ways to do things, as well as the machines that may or may not be necessary to apply them.
再者, 除机器外技术还包括技艺, 即制作方法, 而动用这些技艺并不一定都需要机器.
21. “only +to do” 意为 “…, 结果却…”, 即表示与句子谓语动作的目的相反的结果.
They don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema or the opera, only to discover, perhaps, that the show is disappointing.
他们不必花钱去戏院, 电影院或歌剧院买价格很贵的票,(如果去了,)结果却可能发现, 所演的节目令人失望.
22. no more/-er than 结构
No richer than=as poor as 和…一样穷
No bigger than = as small as 和…一样小
No later than= as early as 和…一样早
23.no less than 的意思为: “简直是, 实在是”, 例如:
It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price. 如此索要高价, 简直是敲诈.
24. “更不用说的”表示方法:
Much less; still less; to say nothing of; not to speak of; not to mention; let alone
25.can not…too…再…也不过分
We cannot be too careful of health. 我们无论如何注意健康也不为过.
You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 你开车时再小心也不过分.
26.other…than…或other than…不同于, 非, 除了
Plants which refine crude ores are often located in countries other than those in which the crude ores are mined.提炼矿石的厂房通常不是设在采矿石的国家而设在其他国家.
26….the last +n. + 不定式或定语从句: 意为 “…最不可能的…”
She would be the last person to go along with the scheme.
28.It is asserted that… 有人断言…
It is believed that… 据认为…, 人们相信
It is estimated that…句估计…
It is alleged that… 人们断言…
It is generally accepted that… 人们通常认为…,一般认为…,大家公认…
It cannot be denied that… 不可否认…
It is common knowledge that… 众所周知…
29.It goes without saying that… 不言而喻…
30.It occurs to sb. That…(某人) 想起…
It occurred to me that she was jealous of me. 我突然发觉她嫉妒我.