



一、Scorpio: Scorpio是天蝎座的英文名,可以作为名词或形容词使用。


    He is a Scorpio, so he can be quite intense sometimes.

    She has Scorpio rising in her birth chart, which makes her very mysterious.

二、Scorpion: Scorpion是指天蝎座的蝎子本身,也可以用来形容天蝎座的人。


    The Scorpion is one of the most feared creatures in the desert.

    He has a Scorpion tattoo on his arm to show his love for his zodiac sign.

三、Eighth sign of the zodiac: Eighth sign of the zodiac指的是黄道十二星座中的第八个星座,即天蝎座。


    Those born under the eighth sign of the zodiac are known for their intensity and passion.

    Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Pluto.

四、Water sign: Water sign指的是水象星座,包括天蝎座、巨蟹座和双鱼座。由于天蝎座是水象星座之一,因此也可以用water sign来形容它。


    Scorpio is a water sign, which means that emotions run deep for those born under this sign.

    Water signs are known for their sensitivity and intuition.

五、Fixed sign: Fixed sign指的是固定星座,包括天蝎座、狮子座、水瓶座和金牛座。由于天蝎座是固定星座之一,因此也可以用fixed sign来形容它。


    Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that those born under this sign can be very stubborn and determined.

    Fixed signs are known for their stability and perseverance.



    She's a Scorpio, so she can be quite secretive and mysterious at times. (她是个天蝎座,有时候会很保密和神秘。)

    Scorpio is known for its intensity and passion, which can be both a strength and a weakness. (天蝎座以其强烈和热情著称,这既是一种优点也是一种缺点。)

    The Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac, often seen as cold and unfeeling. (天蝎座是黄道十二星座中最被误解的星座之一,经常被看作是冷漠和没有感情的。)

    As a water sign, Scorpio is highly intuitive and empathetic, able to sense the emotions of others even without words. (作为一个水象星座,天蝎座非常直觉和有同理心,能够感知他人的情感,甚至不用语言。)

    The Scorpio's loyalty and protectiveness can be both a blessing and a curse, as they can become possessive and jealous of their loved ones. (天蝎座的忠诚和保护欲既是一种祝福也是一种诅咒,因为他们可能会对自己所爱的人变得占有欲强烈和嫉妒。)
