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I can remember it was an ordinary evening in the CSTU, I made a phone call to my parents after a day long busy work.
Due to the poor signal I went out to the open place near stairway to continue my call. It was a very quiet place because this is the exact place where a student committed suicide. That day was no exception, I was the only one there. CSTU
had no button on the elevator from the first floor to the five-floor.

Only the floors above the fifth had swithes, the other floors' switches of the elevator were kept locked. we have got accustomed to the elevator in this State.

When I was small I'm afraid of the dark, was a very timid girl, afraid to go to sleep at night with the light to go to sleep.
This evening seemed very haunted like a the horror movie, when I chatted with my

mother on the phone when I was particularly nervous tonight.
While chatting with my mother I was thinking of students
jumping from some time ago, surrounded by tranquil atmosphere made me
feel particularly ghastly horror. Although the chat or chatting on the phone, but my mind had been repeatedly jumping from screen fright in their own.Silently
watching the elevator doors. Just at this moment, I wa shocked by a

noise, then saw elevator door slowly open, and there stood a man stared at me with the his restrained eyes . I was scared, let her know out of

conditioned response , it was on the second floor.Elevators had never opened on the
second floor, had been haunted by calling fear most accidents actually happen, I couldn't believe my eyes, Oh, my God.