
求助对话翻译a.Did you see the college newspaper? They did a story on our voter registration campaign.
b.I did. Maybe it'll spark some interest on campus. Without more volunteers we'll never meet our goal.

第1个回答  2017-09-29
Speke:How do you do! My name is Speke. ,我是Speke
Watt:How do you do! My name is Watt. ,我是瓦特
Speke (to the phone): Are you there 在吗
Watt (to the phone): Yeah,I am here. 是的,在
Speke: so,what's your name please 是哪位
Watt: Watt. 瓦特
Speke: Can't you hear me I am asking you, what's your name 你听不见吗? 我在问你你的名字
Watt: Watt's my name. 瓦特是我的名字
Speke: Yes, what's your name!!! 啊,你叫什么名字
Watt: My name's Watt. 我叫瓦特
Speke: Oh, man! I ask you what's your name. 欧,伙计,我问你叫什么
Watt: And I am telling you,my name is Watt. 我在告诉你我叫瓦特
Speke: OK, I don't know. 我不知道
Watt: I am Watt-w -a-t-t. 我叫瓦,,,特
Speke: Oh, oh,Watt, sure,I see now. 哦 ,瓦特,我明白了
Watt: Who's that 你是哪位
Speke: Speke. speke
Watt: I AM speaking. What's your name 我在讲话
Speke: My name's Speke-s -p-e-k-e. I want to speak to Day(另一个人的名字). 我的名字叫speke.我想找Day
Watt: You can speak today. And I can hear you. 你今天可以讲话,我能听到
Speke: I don't want to speak to you. I want to speak to Day.
Watt: Sure, TODAY, at what time 我不找你。我要找Day
Speke: Now! I want to speak to Day. To Day! To Day! 现在,我要找day , today, today
Watt: It's today now, Speke. speak, speak! 现在是今天,讲话
Speke: OK,listen,I want to speak to Mr.Day,Mr.Peter Day, NOW!! 好,听着,我要找Day,彼得 ,现在
Watt: Oh, now I see. You can't speak to Day today. He doesn't want to speak to Speke today. Good-bye! 现在我明白了,今天你找不到,他不想对speke j讲话
Speke: oh, my God! 哦,天哪
Sure, TODAY, at what time



What's 和 Watt
speak 和Speke
Day 和today