word = Plugin.File.ReadFileEx("C:\1.txt")
Dim hang
hang = split(word, "|")
For i = 0 To UBound(hang)
FindPic 0,0,4000,2500,"Attachment:\1.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intx+6, inty+2
LeftClick 1
End If
Delay 2000
FindPic 0,0,4000,2500,"Attachment:\2.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intx, inty
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
SayString hang(i)
End If
Delay 2000
FindPic 0,0,4000,2500,"Attachment:\3.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intx, inty
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
SayString "909090"
Delay 2000
End If
FindPic 0,0,4000,2500,"Attachment:\4.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intx, inty
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
End If
Delay 2000
FindPic 0,0,4000,2500,"Attachment:\5.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intx, inty
LeftClick 1
End If
Delay 3000
FindPic 0,0,4000,2500,"Attachment:\6.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intx, inty + 150
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx, inty + 100
Delay 1000
LeftDown 1
MoveTo intx, inty + 400
Delay 2000
LeftUp 1
Delay 1000
LeftClick 2
End If
Delay 4000
word = Plugin.File.ReadFileEx("C:\1.txt")这句后面加上
Message word