
过去范畴:两个动作同时进行、两个动作前后发生 主、从句时态
as soon as、until 时态的用法
since 时态的用法

从属连词有when, while, as, after,before, as soon as, the moment/minute/instant, since, hardly/scarcely/barely…when, no sooner…than…, till, until, once, whenever, directly(非正式用法)等等。
when (当…时)―― In our city, school buses are used only when(当…时) children live more than a mile from the school. 在我们这个城市,只有儿童住得离学校超过一英里远,才使用校车。

before(在…前,才,趁)――The flour, eggs, and sugarshould be well mixed before it is poured into the baking pan. 面粉、鸡蛋和糖在倒入烤盘之前应该充分搅拌。

while(在…期间) ――While the book is welcomedby scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general readers. 这本书将受到学者的欢迎,同时也会引起一般读者的兴趣。(注意: when和while都可以用作主句动作发生的背景,但是while不能用于非持续性的动作。)
As (随着)――As it orbitsthe Sun, Mars rotates on its axis, an imaginary line through its center. 火星在绕太阳运行的同时绕着其自身的轴旋转,这个轴是一条假想的穿过其中心的线。
each/every time (每次,每每) ――Ifindividuals are awakened each time they begin a dream phase of sleep, they arelikely to become irritable even though their total amount of sleep has beensufficient. 如果人们每当进入睡梦阶段就被唤醒,那么即使睡眠总量已经足够,他们也会烦躁易怒。
Whenever (无论何时) ――Whenever you are in trouble, don't hesitate to come to me for help.无论何时你遇到麻烦,不要犹豫,来找我帮忙。
since(自从) ――Although Ihave lived in this country since I settled down last October, I still havetrouble getting used to American food. 虽然从去年十月我就定居在这个国家,我仍然难以习惯美国的食品。
till(直到) ――We will haveto stay in this bus shelter till it stops raining. 我们得躲在这个候车亭里,一直到雨停。
until(直到,直到…才) ――She hasworked as an air-hostess until past her sixtieth birthday. 她当空中小姐一直到过了六十岁生日。 -----He didn't come back home until about midnight. 直到午夜他才回到家。 -----Not until the end of the term did he finish his paper. 直到学期末他才完成论文。(注意:till和until 在含有持续性动词的肯定句中可以通用,在否定句中仅用until。该结构放句首时,主句的语序需要部分倒装,以表示加强语气。)

no sooner…than…, hardly/scarcely/barely…when…(刚…就…) ------No sooner had they set out on their trip than it began to snowheavily. 他们刚踏上旅途,天就开始下起了大雪。 ------Scarcely had I bought a car when/ before I sold it. 我刚买了一辆车,又把它卖了。(注意:1 如上句所示,no sooner/ hardly/scarcely/barely位于句首时,从句用部分倒装语序,否则用正语序。)
as soon as(一…就…) ------As soon as a baby turtle is hatched, itmust start the dangerous journey towards the sea. 小海龟一经孵出,就必须开始其通向大海的危险之旅。once(一旦,一当) ------"When do you wish to visit Mexico?" "Once I amsettled, I'll go there." "你希望什么时候访问墨西哥?"" 我安顿下来就去。"
the instant/minute/moment(一…就…) ------"Didyou remember to give Mary the book?" "Yes. The instant I saw her, Iremembered." "你记得把书送给玛丽了吗?" "是的,我一看见她就想起来了。"
directly/ immediately/instantly(一…就…)------Thefiremen went into action directly they heard the alarm. 消防队员一听到警报就立刻行动。