书面表达 假设你是班长,你班同学有如下一些不良习惯:在教室吃早餐,随地乱扔废弃物,做作业时谈话,常有

书面表达 假设你是班长,你班同学有如下一些不良习惯:在教室吃早餐,随地乱扔废弃物,做作业时谈话,常有人迟到,课间休息(at the break)时互相追逐(run after)等。请以班级的名义,针对上述情况写一封公开信,倡议同学们改变不良习惯【是英语作文,要快,急需】

Dear classmates
Our class is our home.So we should make it better than before.If you have breakfast or drop litter everywhere .Our class will be very dirty and you will not happy isn't .If somebody always be late ,talks loudly in class or at the break always runs after.that our class will be worse. If that is you home can you stand. So love our class keep it clean. thanks everyone
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