
If you touch the dreary, can turn to their parents or friends about it

sink into troubles
be deep in troubles
get bogged down in (陷入泥潭……被……拖后腿)
目前没遇到过 touch the dreary,字面上是说(身体的某个部分)接触到了可怕的人。
注意:dreary作名词的时候是可怕的人,形容词时有沉闷的;枯燥的,无趣味的 意思
turn to 单独是转向的意思, turn sb for help是说的向某人求助的意思
您实在要这么用,只能说:You can turn your parents and friends for help if you meet a dreary problem。
第1个回答  2012-06-21
When you face the hard time, you may talk to your parents or frends
第2个回答  2012-06-21
If you come across something bothersome ,you can talk to parents or friends