hurt mv演的是什么? Christina Aguilera的。


During MTV's red-carpet pre-show, Aguilera revealed that she would co-direct the music video alongside Floria Sigismondi, who worked on "Fighter" (2003). The circus-themed video for "Hurt" was shot over five days in September and the video premiered on October 17 on TRL. It is the first video Aguilera has directed. The video reached number one on TRL fourteen times and retired at number 1 on January 11, 2007. It is her eighth video to retire on that show. Furthermore, the video swept the 2007 MVPA awards winning Best Video and Best Direction of a Female Artist.
The video begins with the ending instrumental to "Enter the circus"/"Welcome", over which a carnival barker (voiced by Linda Perry) introduces a spectacular circus, and begins in black and white. The transition to color begins when Aguilera appears in an old fashioned dressing room, receiving flowers and then an important telegram. A flashback then shows young Aguilera, played by Laci Kay, with her father, played by Timothy V. Murphy, raptured by the sight of the tightrope walker, played by Elizabeth Glassco. With her father's encouragement, Aguilera begins to train herself to do the same. When the video switches to older Aguilera, we see her descending from the top of a circus tent on a rope, onto the back of an elephant, in point shoes and a structured jeweled outfit, with her father watching adoringly in the audience. She later attempts to greet him but is pulled away by fans and photographers keen to meet the star. The content of the telegram is then revealed to be a message of her father's death, and as Aguilera realizes that she was too wrapped up in her stardom to deal with what matters, she races through the circus in a belated attempt to find her father. The video ends with a shot of Aguilera sitting on a circus box, singing and crying, before fading out to Aguilera's grief-stricken form on the ground outside the circus tent. The camera then zooms out and Aguilera is seen on the ground.

MTV的红地毯上预展期间,阿奎莱拉透露,她将共同指导的Floria Sigismondi的“战士”(2003年)工作的音乐录影带。超过五天的“伤害”马戏团为主题的视频在九月和视频上的TRL10月17日首演。这是阿奎莱拉第一次指导MV。视频达成的TRL十四倍,并在1号2007年01月11日退休。这是她的第八退休这个节目的视频。此外,视频风靡2007年的MVPA奖项,赢得最佳影片和最佳女歌手的方向。视频开始与器乐的结束“输入马戏团”/“欢迎”,狂欢节巴克(由琳达·佩里表示)引入了一个壮观的马戏表演,并开始在黑色和白色。色彩过渡开始时阿奎莱拉出现在一个老式的更衣室,收到鲜花,然後一个重要的电报。一个闪回,然後显示了与她的父亲,发挥LACI凯,年轻阿奎莱拉,播放欢天喜地走钢丝的视线,由Timothy V.墨菲,由伊丽莎白Glassco发挥。阿奎莱拉与她的父亲的鼓励下,开始训练自己做同样的。当视频切换到旧阿奎莱拉,我们看到她从一个马戏团的帐篷绳子的顶端递减,到大象的背,点鞋和结构性的宝石装备,与她的父亲崇拜地看著观众。後来她试图跟他打招呼,但球迷和敏锐,以满足明星摄影师拉远。电报的内容透露她父亲去世的消息,作为阿奎莱拉实现在她的星途,她太缠起来对付最重要的,她通过马戏团1迟来的企图找到她的父亲比赛。视频结束前与阿奎莱拉坐在一个马戏团中,歌唱和哭泣的镜头,马戏团的帐篷外的地面上淡出Aguilera的伤心欲绝的形式。相机然後放大和阿奎莱拉在地面上。