

As the saying goes, we should eat less dinner, but it doesn't mean that dinner is not important. In fact, the most important meal of our day is dinner. Dinner is far more important than breakfast and lunch.

If you don't eat dinner directly and don't eat food for a long time, it will not only affect the secretion of gastric acid and bile, but also affect the quality of sleep. At the same time, it will also lead to the substandard nutrition of the day, which is not conducive to your health.

Generally speaking, after dinner is the time for people to rest, and the energy consumption is relatively small. Moreover, after dinner is the time for people to rest at night. If they eat too much and eat too full, it will not only lead to excessive energy and accumulate in the body.

The risk of obesity, diabetes and a series of diseases will increase, and it will also affect sleep, leading to a bad night's sleep, leading to a series of problems, such as immunity decline, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and so on.

第1个回答  2022-02-18



    The importance of having dinner

    Eating dinner on time is good for your health, and not eating dinner on time is bad for your health.

    Eating dinner on time can not only provide us with the necessary energy and nutrition, let us have a healthy body, but also make us feel happy and have more spirit in life and work.

    At the same time, if we don't eat dinner on time, it will hurt our body, such as hurting our stomach and affecting our physical development.

    In short, the body is the capital of revolution. We need to have a good dinner and get rid of bad eating habits.







    The importance of having dinner

    Eating dinner on time is good for your health, and not eating dinner on time is bad for your health.

    Eating dinner on time can not only............. but also...............

    At the same time, if we don't eat dinner on time, it will hurt our body, such as .............

    In short, ............We need to have a good dinner ...........






第2个回答  2022-02-18
英文:Dinner should not be overly full
Chinese medicine believes that "the stomach is not harmonious, lying restlessly". If the dinner is too full, it will inevitably cause an increase in the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and the information of its intense work is constantly transmitted to the brain, resulting in insomnia, dreams, and over time, it is easy to cause neurasthenia and other diseases. If the middle-aged and elderly people are overly full for dinner for a long time, repeatedly stimulating a large amount of insulin secretion, it will often cause an increase in the burden of insulin B cells, and then fail, inducing diabetes. At the same time, dinner is too full, there must be some protein can not be digested and absorbed, under the action of intestinal bacteria, toxic substances will be produced, coupled with sleep intestinal wall peristalsis slowed down, relatively prolonging the residence time of these substances in the intestine, it is possible to promote the occurrence

第3个回答  2022-02-25
When you go to work in the morning and find that the traffic lights are not on, traffic jams will definitely happen. A patient needs to have an operation immediately. If there is no electricity, we can't do the operation.

What will happen? We can't watch TV, listen to tapes, or chat on the Internet. If there is no important electricity, how bad our daily life will be.



Water plays an important role in our life. It is the source of life and one of the most important material resources for human survival and development. A part of human life is inseparable from boiling water.

Water is not the most important material for human life, but it is diverse for the physiological functions of human body. However, all chemical reactions in the body are the medium Water, without water, can not absorb nutrition and oxygen, can not transport the required nutrients and hormones, can not reach its functional parts, waste can not be removed, metabolism will stop, and people will die. Life is the most important material in modern industry.

There is no industrial sector, no useful water, no industry is not directly or indirectly related to water. More industries use water cooling equipment Or products, such as steel plants, water is often used as detergents, such as cleaning raw materials or products, decontamination devices or floors. All factories must maintain various functions of normal production water, and water is involved in almost all production links.


第4个回答  2022-02-21
Three meals a day, eat clear meals, especially dinner is also very important.This is the most important thing for my family, no matter how far and how busy, all the members will come home and eat the dinner.As the saying goes, the late meal is full. Dinner is important, but don't overeat.