
第一段Michael Faraday (1791--1867) was a great scientist who discovered many important things about electricity. He invented the dynamo (发电机) ,from which we still obtain electricity.
  第二段Faraday’s parents were very poor. His father was often ill. He could not afford to send his son, Michael, to school regularly. Sometimes he taught his son reading, writing and arithmetic at home. When Michael was ten years old, he started work as an errand (差使) boy for a kind-hearted bookseller. His employer, Mr Riebau ,had noticed a poor boy in torn clothes reading books on the stall (书摊) in front of his shop. He took pity on the boy and paid him eighty cents a week. Later on, he taught Michael how to bind (装订) books.
  第三段While he was working, Michael read many of the scientific papers which he had to bind into books. He went to public lectures by Sir Humphrey Davy, who invented a safety lamp for use in coalmines. Michael made notes for everything Davy said. Then he bound them into a book , together with fine illustrations (插图) of all Davy’s experiments. Michael took the book to Sir Humphrey’s house and wrote a letter applying for (申请) a job.
  第四段Davy agreed to interview Michael and was very surprised when a poorly dressed young man arrived. However, he gave him a job as his personal assistant. After this, Davy and Faraday traveled all over Europe, and Faraday met many leading scientists. He also helped Davy with his experiments.
  第五段Davy died in 1829, but Faraday continued his own experiments. He taught at London University and worked for the government and private firms. One of his greatest inventions was the dynamo. Faraday discovered that if a wire is moved near a powerful magnet (磁铁) , a current of electricity is produced. The magnet produces an electric current in the wire. Modern vehicles (交通工具) use a type of generator, and many bicycles have a dynamo which is turned by one of the wheels. Power from a bicycle or car engine is used to light lamps at the front and rear (后面). In a car, electricity from the generator can be stored in a battery. Then it can be used to provide light or power (to start the car and for other purpose.).Faraday made many important discoveries and inventions. He was married but he had no children of his own. However, he was a kind man and gave special lectures for young people every Christmas.
  第六段To keep his theory alive, these lectures are still given every year in London.

迈克尔 法拉第是一个杰出的科学家!他发现了好多与电有关的原理,我们今天仍然使用他所发明的发电机发电!
当他工作的时候,他把那些原本要订起来的关于科学的纸张都读了一遍。他后来去汉弗莱 戴维的公共课去听讲,就是戴维发明了在矿井下使用的安全灯。迈克尔把戴维讲的所有东西都做了详细的笔记。并且把它订成一本书,用戴维的实验做了精美的插图。迈克尔带着那本书来到了汉弗莱先生的家里,并且写了写了一封信申请一份工作!
戴维死于1829年,但是法拉第仍然继续着他自己的科学实验。他在伦敦大学教书的同时,也在政府和私人企业工作。他最伟大的发明之一便是发电机。法拉第发现如果一根导线在强磁铁的周围移动,一股电流便会产生。磁铁便会使导线内产生电流。 现代的交通工具都会使用一种发电机,其中自行车使用一种由一个轮子发电的发电机。来自自行车发电机或者汽车发动机的能量被用来点亮它们的前后灯。在汽车中,发电机产生的电力可以被储藏在电池中。然后它们可以被用来电灯或者用作动力(用来发动汽车或者其他目的)。法拉第做出了好多重要的发现和发明。他曾经结婚,但是没有自己的儿女。但是,他是一个非常和蔼的人,每一个圣诞节,他都会给年轻人上一堂特殊的课。为了使他的理论延续,伦敦大学每年仍然在继续着这些课程。

第1个回答  2012-07-02
第2个回答  2012-07-02

我现在用 明天就不用了
