假如你是Li Ming,下周六是你的生日,你想邀请好朋友Judy来你家参加生日晚会,

假如你是Li Ming,下周六是你的生日,你想邀请好朋友Judy来你家参加生日晚会,请Judy乘8路公交车在图书馆下车,根据下面的示意图,给Judy写一留言条,告诉她来你家怎么走,

第1个回答  2012-08-30
If you want to come, you can take the 8 bus fristly, and take off the bus at the library. You can see the library on your right and a post office on your left. Then you should go aiong with the street. When you see a cinema on the left and a supermarket on the right , you should stop, and turn right.


Would you like to后应该写什么啊?


join my birthday party?
