用go first造句(要意思) 最少3句速度15分中以内 要么就没悬赏了

求求大家了 我还在苦苦的等答案啊

1. They flipped a coin to decide who would gofirst. 他们用掷硬币的方法决定谁先去。

2.They were at issue as to who would gofirst. 他们对谁先去的问题意见不一致。

3. It was finally decided that Li and Ku would
to Chinhua the next day. 结果议决李顾两位明天先到金华。
4. You could a gofirst, then
compare your answers with each other. 你可以先自己试着做一下然后再和别人对答案。

不够的话还可以继续问 希望对你有帮助!