

1、 根据技术部部门提供的产品图纸,建立产品定额台帐,包括材料和工时两大部分。
2、 每月按生产部提供的生产数量核算产品的定额成本。
3、 按落料车间提供的每种产品使用的原材料数量,核算产品的实际用料。
4、 按五金库、电器库、玻璃库提供的产品其他用料,核算产品的实际用料。
5、 实际与定额进行比较,找出差异原因,及时修改定额。
1、 审核各类原始凭证
2、 编制记账凭证
3、 登记总帐及分类帐(除现金及银行帐外)
4、 编制财务报表
5、 填制税务申报表。
6、 编制财务预算,进行预算汇总。
7、 年末对公司的存货及固定资产进行全面的盘点。
8、 每月例会对各部门的预算执行情况进行考核。

1、 审核原始凭证,随时审核预算执行情况,如遇预算超支,及时提请用款部门注意预算的使用。
2、 编制记账凭证。
3、 编制财务报表和统计报表。
4、 每月进行网上纳税申报(包括出口退税)。
5、 编制财务预算,进行预算汇总。
6、 每月将个部门的预算执行情况发至各部门。
7、 每半年对公司存货及固定资产进行全面的盘点。
8、 根据技术部门提供的产品标准用量,编制产品标准用量表(包括人工、工时)。
9、 由仓库提供原材料领用数量,生产部提供生产数量,从而核算出由一种或几种产品共同耗用的原材料的成本,进而根据产品的标准用量分摊产品的实际原材料成本。
10、 实际人工成本按标准用量进行分摊。
11、 制造费用按标准人工用量进行分摊
12、 将标准成本与实际成本进行比较,找出差异的原因,及时修改标准用量。
13、 应收账款及应付账款管理。按各自不同的信用期限进行监控,及时提请客户付款或按时付款给供应商。
14、 固定资产管理。建立固定资产台帐,及时记录固定资产的增减变动情况。


  The contents of cost accounting
  1、 根据技术部部门提供的产品图纸,建立产品定额台帐,包括材料和工时两大部分
  According to the Ministry of technical drawings products sector, the establishment of a fixed accounting products, including materials and most of the two hours.

  2、 每月按生产部提供的生产数量核算产品的定额成本。
  According to the monthly production volume production provided by the Department of the fixed cost accounting products.

  3、 按落料车间提供的每种产品使用的原材料数量,核算产品的实际用料。
  Blanking workshop provided by the use of the raw materials of each product quantity, the actual products accounting materials.

  4、 按五金库、电器库、玻璃库提供的产品其他用料,核算产品的实际用料。
  By the hardware, the electrical, glass products provided by other library materials, accounting products with the actual material.

  5、 实际与定额进行比较,找出差异原因,及时修改定额。
  Fixed to compare actual and identify the reasons for differences in a timely manner to amend fixed.

  The contents by accounting :

  1、 审核各类原始凭证
  Audit all original receipts

  2、 编制记账凭证
  Preparation of accounting receipts

  3、 登记总帐及分类帐(除现金及银行帐外)
  Registration ledger and general ledger (except cash and bank off-the-books)

  4、 编制财务报表
  Preparation of financial statements

  5、 填制税务申报表。
  Chen Zhi tax returns.

  6、 编制财务预算,进行预算汇总。
  Preparation of the financial budget, the budget summary.

  7、 年末对公司的存货及固定资产进行全面的盘点。
  The end of the company's inventory and fixed assets to conduct a comprehensive inventory.

  8、 每月例会对各部门的预算执行情况进行考核。
  The monthly meetings of the various departments to examine the implementation of the budget.

  By the work of accounting:
  1、 审核原始凭证,随时审核预算执行情况,如遇预算超支,及时提请用款部门注意预算的使用。
  Examine the original documents, and the implementation of the budget at any time review, such as the case of budget overruns, with a timely manner to draw the attention of the use of the budget.
  2、 编制记账凭证。
  Preparation of accounting receipts.
  3、 编制财务报表和统计报表。
  Preparation of financial statements and statistics.

  4、 每月进行网上纳税申报(包括出口退税)。
  Monthly online tax return (including for export tax rebates).

  5、 编制财务预算,进行预算汇总。
  Preparation of the financial budget, the budget summary.

  6、 每月将个部门的预算执行情况发至各部门。
  Monthly departments of the implementation of the budget to each department.

  7、 每半年对公司存货及固定资产进行全面的盘点。
  Every six months the company to conduct a comprehensive inventory of fixed assets and inventory.

  8、 根据技术部门提供的产品标准用量,编制产品标准用量表(包括人工、工时)。
  According to the technical departments of Product Standards amount of product standards with the scale (including wages, working hours).
  9、 由仓库提供原材料领用数量,生产部提供生产数量,从而核算出由一种或几种产品共同耗用的原材料的成本,进而根据产品的标准用量分摊产品的实际原材料成本。
  9. By the number of recipients providing raw materials warehouse, the Ministry of Production volume production, which accounts to one or more of the products from common consumption of raw materials costs, which according to a standard amount of the actual product-sharing raw material costs.

  10、 实际人工成本按标准用量进行分摊。
  The actual labor costs to the amount assessed by standard.
  11、 制造费用按标准人工用量进行分摊
  Manufacturing costs are based on a standard dosage of sharing

  12、 将标准成本与实际成本进行比较,找出差异的原因,及时修改标准用量。
  The standard cost and actual cost comparison to find out the cause of the discrepancy in time to amend the standard dosage.

  13、 应收账款及应付账款管理。按各自不同的信用期限进行监控,及时提请客户付款或按时付款给供应商。
  Accounts receivable and accounts payable management. In accordance with their own different credit monitoring for timely payment or brought to the customer on time payments to vendors.

  14、 固定资产管理。建立固定资产台帐,及时记录固定资产的增减变动情况。
  Fixed assets management. The establishment of fixed assets accounting, timely recording changes in the increase or decrease in fixed assets.

  By the work of accounting:
  The end of each month and warehouse check raw and auxiliary materials, packaging, consumables such as transceivers amount. With the internal MIS system, the number of line.
  Transceivers amount of the amount of accounting table.

  Pre-all prepaid mention costs, depreciation expense calculation.
  Will not be able to distinguish between products according to the supplementary material, amortisation and accrued expenses, depreciation costs into the manufacturing costs.

  Companies use MIS systems, making each product at the standard dosage recipients, automatically generated by the computer. If we receive more, the excess of recipients. According to production provided by the Department of the production volume tables, based on the standard dosage of the standard cost accounting products. The actual amount of cost and standard cost differences classified details, including excess recipients, ultra-consumption recipients, ultra-poor in abeyance, and so on. A further accounting of the actual unit cost of products.

  Monthly cost analysis meeting, the difference of each product will be listed on January 1, the relevant departments to provide a product to the cost of information, and promote the improvement of production.
  Responsible for the company's fixed assets, and financial management. Fixed assets have established a card to record the movements of fixed assets. And the number of fixed assets and Niantie.

  Preparation of accounting receipts.

  Accounts receivable and accounts payable management. Establish accounts receivable aging schedule, according to customer credit period, monthly customer accounts receivable reconciliation schedules, and sales staff reconciliation, making timely loan recovery, establishing control of payables aging Table, according to the supplier's credit for a timely manner to cope with the changes this month and beyond the purchase price to be paid for the goods. On the basis of the two, scheduled for the use of cash table.

  Responsible for the company's accounting statements and the preparation of statistical reports.
  Responsible for all property inventory (every six months).

  Monthly software derived from the financial sector distinction on the part of the costs in scale, TAC and all departments, and all departments in the budget system fill in the actual costs of the department's
  Operators bailiff in control.
第1个回答  2008-03-05