那些年我们一起追的女孩 英语翻译


英译: the girls we pursued together those years

追求,比较庄重正式的说法,常用chase 和 pursue。
pick up a girl 追求女孩(口语:把妹)
例句: 到《如何追求女孩子》一书了解更多吧。
Read up on how to pick up girls for more information.
2. go out hunting a girl 去追求女孩
例句: 他们担心,如果去追求女孩,只会引来拜金女。
And they worry if they go out hunting girls they'd only find gold diggers.
3. get girls 追女孩(口语:泡妞)
例句: 主题是常见的“男孩追求女孩”。
It was the usual "boy gets girl" theme.
4. run after girls (围着女孩身边转 /追女孩/泡美眉)
例句: 他不专心于读书而荒废时间去追求女孩子。
Instead of devoting himself to his studies , he wastes his time running after girls.
5. chase after a girl 追一个女孩
He has been chasing after that girl for years.
6. pursue a girl 追女孩
例句: 追求的女孩和她的失踪失眠。
Pursuing the girl and missing her sleepless.

那些年我们一起追的女孩,流行于 柯景腾一部小说改编的电影《那些年我们一起追的女孩》
英文名: You Are The Apple of My Eye.

Mr. Ko says he opted for 'You Are the Apple of My Eye' as the first of his works to make a film from because he says he's too inexperienced at movie-making to directscience fiction or action.
The Audience Choice's Award went to You Are the Apple of My Eye, which is the first full-length film by local director Giddens Ko.
第1个回答  2012-04-21
You are the apple of my eye.
第2个回答  2012-04-21

官方翻译是:You Are The Apple Of My Eye。
第3个回答  2012-04-21
其实它的英文名是you are the apple of my eye,意译过来的
第4个回答  2012-04-21
the girl that we pursued together those years

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