
1.what may happen when you eat too many sweets?
2.what may happen when you have a lot of toys?
3.what can you see when there is a gentle wind?
4.what can you see when there is a strong wind?
5.what can you see when there is a typhoon?
6.what may happen when you watch too many television?
7.what may happen when you have plenty of money?


1.what may happen when you eat too many sweets? 当你吃太多糖果时会怎样?
You will become too fat.
2.what may happen when you have a lot of toys? 当你拥有很多玩具时会怎样?
You will need a bigger house to keep them.
3.what can you see when there is a gentle wind? 当一阵微风吹过时你能看到什麽?
You can see the nature is lovely.
4.what can you see when there is a strong wind? 当一阵强风吹过时你能看到什麽?
You can see the nature is changable.
5.what can you see when there is a typhoon? 当一阵台风吹过时你能看到什麽?
You can see the nature is powerful.
6.what may happen when you watch too many television?当你看太多电视时会怎样?
You will get short sight.
7.what may happen when you have plenty of money?当你很多金钱时会怎样?
You will lost most of your real friends
第1个回答  2012-04-29
1吃太多甜食会怎样呢? 长胖 overweight
2拥有太多玩具会怎样呢? 浪费时间 killing time
3有微风的时候会看到什么呢?飘落的树叶 falling leaves
4有大风的时候会看到什么? 匆忙的路人 rushed people
5有台风的时候会看到什么?灰暗的天空 dark sky
6看太多电视会怎样? 近视 short-sighted
7有太多钱会怎么样? 不开心 unhappiness
第2个回答  2012-04-29
1. Teeth may drop one by one.
2. Be crazy.
3. Be calm.
4. Be annoyed.
5. Many people be upside down.
6. Be short-sighted.
7. Be unhappy.