用It takes/took/will take+sb+time to do sth各造两个句子


It takes me 20 minutes to go to the office. 去上班需要花费我20分钟的时间。
It takes him 1 hour to finish his homework everyday. 他每天需要花费1个小时做家庭作业。
It took me 3 hours to work out the question. 回答这个问题花费了我3个小时。
It took her 40 minutes to get home. 回家她花费了40分钟。
It will take them a day to finish their project. 他们完成这个项目需要1天的时间。
It will take us a week to get to Tibet by bus. 做车去西藏需要花费我们一周的时间。

第1个回答  2012-04-27
It takes her mother the whole afternnoon to make the cake for her.
It takes us much time to climb up the top of the mountain.
It took us more money to build the house
It took me 50 yuan to buy this dress.
It'll take me one or two hours to get there
It'll take him one hour to fly to Peiking University !
第2个回答  2012-04-27
it takes her one hour to go to school.
it take me half an hour to have lunch.
it took them two hour to clean the house yesterday.
it took us one hour to write our homework.
it will take me one hour to help my mother to cook food.
it will take him one hour to wash clothes.