












Thank you for loving me""-" I like that I like you"Hear of such a dialogue, I always missed a beat. This clearly hides a lot of time secret, although the results were not better to die, but the passage of time after the small waves is that moving.We all have the sort of like a person, as eating, reading, walking and as important day. My heart is like silently opened a switch, eyes on the morning of a thought for a moment you can see him in the exercises, returned to the classroom in the crowds of people to correctly identify his back beat, pretending to casual and friends together to pass by some classrooms and he accidentaly across, take seriously each and a final exam for this decision and he can be divided in an examination room, obviously love sunny bright saw he loved cloudy day happy for him more than.That I be rather baffling, full power, life was ordered to see him and can't see him, not to see him, I and my childish dream together, to see him, I would want, when he will be out of my dreams and I together alongside the people.That I, like to see good solemn stubbornly. Not casually write him a letter, the letter should be carefully selected, content to be carved, writes himself was moved to sit in the middle of the night, the room in tears. Want to explore the world in all about him, his friends there a little bit of collecting all the minor details, restore a I don't know him, and listen to his love of music to go his way, the heart is glad.That I, believe that all the good. His voice and cold humor, complement each other, his be scanty of words against the inner numerous hills and streams, he playground obscure figure has a different aesthetic feeling, and wishful thinking to be better sealed until many years later.Many years later, when experienced some personnel, I suddenly found, good hard to find words to define such a love. More than love, than love a little, like a simple faith, I adhere to.That kind of love, maybe life is only once.When I was a bad words, the heart is stubborn, blush easily, sensitive melancholy girl when, I took so long to do such a huge meaningless things. Perhaps, now I, that I should brave many sincere, she more powerful and fearless, more obedient to him magnanimous heart.It looks like love, but also let me believe, I have the ability to do so, love, with love, respect for the value and meaning of love.My life is not popular youth blood movie scenes, never heard someone told me," thank you for loving me". Only occasionally look at that year's graduation album, see a pile of fragments of memories after the words," more is related to some of my fragment, and I'm with you some fragments, for your everfount memories". Can't help the corners of the mouth, so he knew earlier than me, the memories are beautiful.