求大神翻译《independence day》歌词

Well she seemed all right by
So I took myself down to the fair in
On Independence Day
Well word gets around in a small,
small town
They said he was a dangerous man
But mama was proud and she stood
her ground
She knew she was on the losin' end
Some folks whispered and some
folks talked
But everybody looked the other way
And when time ran out there was
no one about
On Independence Day
Let freedom ring, let the white dove
Let the whole world know that
today is a day of reckoning
Let the week be strong, let the right
be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty
pay it's Independence Day
Well she lit up the sky that fourth of
By the time that the firemen come
They just put out the flames, and
took down some names
And sent me to the county home
Now I ain't sayin' it's right or it's
But maybe its the only way
Talk about your revolution
It's Independence Day
Let freedom ring, let the white dove
Let the whole world know that
today is a day of reckoning
Let the week be strong, let the right
be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty
pay it's Independence Day
Roll the stone away
It's Independence day

Well she seemed all right by dawns early light
Though she looked a little worried and weak
She tried to pretend he wasn't drinkin' again
But daddy left the proof on her cheek
And I was only eight years old that summer
And I always seemed to be in the way
So I took myself down to the fair in town
On Independence Day

Well word gets around in a small, small town
They said he was a dangerous man
But mama was proud and she stood her ground
She knew she was on the losin' end
Some folks whispered and some folks talked
But everybody looked the other way
And when time ran out there was no one about
On Independence Day

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay it's Independence Day

Well she lit up the sky that fourth of July
By the time that the firemen come
They just put out the flames,
and took down some names
And sent me to the county home

]Now I ain't sayin' it's right or it's wrong
But maybe it's the only way
Talk about your revolution
It's Independence Day

【Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know
that today is a day of reckoning
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away,
let the guilty pay it's Independence Day
Roll the stone away
It's Independence day】
第1个回答  2012-10-03
Well Papa go to bed now it's getting late 爸爸上床休息 现在已经很晚了
Nothing we can say is gonna change anything now 现在 已经无法通过对话再改变什么
I'll be leaving in the morning from St. Mary's Gate 我明早要从圣玛丽门离开
We wouldn't change this thing even if we could somehow 我们无法改变这些 尽管我们也许可以
Cause the darkness of this house has got the best of us 因为这房间的黑暗把我们最好的带走了
There's a darkness in this town that's got us too 这座城市的黑暗也正这样抓住我们
But they can't touch me now 但他们现在无法碰到我
And you can't touch me now 你现在也无法碰到我
They ain't gonna do to me 他们不能对待我
What I watched them do to you 像我曾看见他们对待你一样

So say goodbye it's Independence Day 那么说再见 这是独立日
It's Independence Day 这是独立日
All down the line 已经无法挽回
Just say goodbye it's Independence Day 就说再见 这是独立日
It's Independence Day this time 这次 是独立日

Now I don't know what it always was with us 现在我不知道我们以前一直怎样渡过
We chose the words, and yeah, we drew the lines 我们选择语言,我们划定规范
There was just no way this house could hold the two of us 这所房子根本无法关住我们两个
I guess that we were just too much of the same kind 我想我们实在太相像

Well say goodbye it's Independence Day 哦 说再见 这是独立日
It's Independence Day all boys must run away 这是独立日 所有男孩必须出逃
So say goodbye it's Independence Day 所以 说再见 这是独立日
All men must make their way come Independence Day 在独立日 所有人必须找到自己的路

Now the rooms are all empty down at Frankie's joint 现在所有房子都空无一人直到弗兰克的小酒馆
And the highway she's deserted clear down to Breaker's Point公路上也没有人
There's a lot of people leaving town now 现在 很多人离开城镇
Leaving their friends, their homes 离开他们的朋友 他们的家
At night they walk that dark and dusty highway all alone 夜晚他们孤独地走在黑暗灰蒙蒙的路上

Well Papa go to bed now it's getting late 爸爸上床休息 现在已经很晚了
Nothing we can say can change anything now 现在 已经无法通过对话再改变什么
Because there's just different people coming down here now 因为 这里有不同的人来到
and they see things in different ways 他们看待事情有不同的角度
And soon everything we've known will just be swept away 很快我们知道的所有都将被抹去

So say goodbye it's Independence Day 那么 说再见 这是独立日
Papa now I know the things you wanted that you could not say 爸爸现在我知道你想要的却不能说出口
But won't you just say goodbye it's Independence Day 但你为什么不说再见 这是独立日
I swear I never meant to take those things away 我发誓 我永远不想把这些带走