你的生日是几月几日?你过生日时通常做什么? 英语短文(6句话) 小学6年级的


What's the date and month of your birth?(When is your birthday?)What do you usually do on your birthday?My birthday is June 1. It is Children's Day. I usually stay at home. I usually eat cakes with my parents. I am very happy.I have a good time.

第1个回答  2012-10-04
When's your birthday? What do you usually do on your birthday ?
My birthday is on the twenty-eight of June.I usually have a big birthday cake with my family.We are all very happy!
第2个回答  2012-10-04
l like my birthday very much.My birthday is on the 5 of feb.on that day,l will get a lot of presents.l will have a birthday party.Many firends come to my party.l play games with them.we have a good time in the party


第3个回答  2012-10-04
When's your birthday?What do you usually do on your birthday?