你能跳多远呢?/ 跳多高啊? 翻译

1 你能跳多远呢?/ 跳多高啊?
2 他跳高可以跳1.5米, 跳远 可以跳 2.3米
3 昨天晚上他回到上海都夜里11点多了,没有回家 去宾馆睡了一个晚上
4 他跨不过去那到水沟 / 那道水沟大概1.2米宽

5 昨晚我陪一个好久没见的好朋友,一起逛街, 吃饭,并坐公交车送她回家了

6 你能把你的字写的好看点么?

1. How far can you jump? How high can you jump?

2. He can jump as high as 1.5 meters, and as far as 2.3 meters.

3. He returned to Shanghai at 11pm, and spent the night at a hotel.

4. He can't cross that gutter / that gutter is approximately 1.2 meters wide.

5. Last night I went shopping with my long-lost friend. We ate dinner and I saw her home on the bus.

6. Can you make your handwriting neater?

第1个回答  2012-10-02
1 how far can you jump? / jump high? He can jump high of 1.5 meters, 2.3 meters long jump can jump 3 yesterday evening he came back to Shanghai at night all 11 o
'clock, no home to the hotel to sleep a night He span over the ditch/the way drain about 1.2 meters wide 5 last night I accompany a long time no see good friend, go shopping together, to have a meal, and take the bus to send her home 6 you can put your word write nice point? 、
第2个回答  2012-10-02
1.How far can you jump it?/how high?
2 He can jump 1.5 meters high jump, long jump can jump 2.3 meters
3 last night, he returned to Shanghai to 23:00, no home to go to the hotel to sleep one night
4 He cross not past it into the ditch / Road ditch about 1.2 meters wide
第3个回答  2012-10-02
1How far can you jump it?/how high?
2 He can jump 1.5 meters high jump, long jump can jump 2.3 meters
3 last night, he returned to Shanghai to 23:00, no home to go to the hotel to sleep one night
4 He cross not past it into the ditch / Road ditch about 1.2 meters wide
4 last night,
第4个回答  2012-10-02
How far/high can you jump?
He can jump as high as 1.5 metres and as far as 2.3 metres.
He arrived in Shanghai around 11 p.m. last night. He didn't go home and spent a night at a hotel.
He isn't able to cross that ditch, which is 1.2 metres of width.追问

1.5 metres 读法一般是 one point five meters 是吧。谢谢


