I'd Love You To Want Me-lobo

I'd Love You To Want Me这首歌的中文翻译以及这首歌的资料(专辑,歌手档案等

When I saw you standing there, I* bout feel out my chair. And when you moved your mouth to speak, I felt the blood go to my feet.
Now it took time for me to know what you tried so not to show. Something in my soul just cried. I see the want in your blue eyes.
Baby, I*d love you to want me the way that I want you, the way that it should be. Baby, you*d love me to want you the way that I want to, if you*d only let it be.
You told yourself years ago, you*d never let your feelings show, the obligation that they gave.

I'd Love You to Want Me (但愿你需要我)------ lobo (灰狼罗伯)

When I saw you standing there 当我看见你站在那里

I'bout fell out my chair 差点跌落椅子

And when you moved your mouth to speak 当你开口说话

I felt the blood go to my feet 我感到天旋地转

Now it took time for me to know 如今,我才明白

What you tried so not to show 你试着掩饰自己

Something in my soul just cried 我的灵魂在哭泣

I see the want in your blue eyes 在你忧郁的眼神中,我看到了渴望

Baby I'd love you to want me 宝贝,但愿你需要我

The way that I want you 像我需要你一样

The way that it should be 一切都理所当然

Baby You'd love me to want you 宝贝,你希望我需要你

The way that I want to 像我想的那样

If you'd only let it be 只要你随性而为

You told yourself years ago 多年前,你告诉自己

You'd never let your feelings show 不再表露自己的情感

The obligation that you made 那是你的职责

For the title that they gave 只因他们加诸在你身上的头衔

Baby I'd love you to want me 宝贝,但愿你需要我

The way that I want you 像我需要你一样

The way that it should be 一切都理所当然

Baby You'd love me to want you 宝贝,你希望我需要你

The way that I want to 像我想的那样

If you'd only let it be 只要你随性而为

Now it took time for me to know 如今,我才明白

What you tried so not to show 你试着掩饰自己

Something in my soul just cried 我的灵魂在哭泣

I see the want in your blue eyes 在你忧郁的眼神中,我看到了渴望

Baby I'd love you to want me 宝贝,但愿你需要我

The way that I want you 像我需要你一样

The way that it should be 一切都理所当然

Baby You'd love me to want you 宝贝,你希望我需要你

The way that I want to 像我想的那样

If you'd only let it be 只要你随性而为

Baby I'd love you to want me 宝贝,但愿你需要我

The way that I want you 像我需要你一样

The way that it should be 一切都理所当然

Baby You'd love me to want you 宝贝,你希望我需要你

The way that I want to 像我想的那样

If you'd only let it be 只要你随性而为

英文名称:The Very Best Of Lobo

灰狼「罗伯」 2002非常精选
这个声音经过了30年 却从未在记忆中消失
完整收录22首灰狼「罗伯」巅峰时期的畅销单曲∶How Can I Tell Her、Me And You And A Dog Named Boo、I’d Love You To Want Me、Stoney、Don’t Expect Me To Be Your Friend、Stoney、Don’t Tell Me Goodnight、Would I Still Have You、Love Me For What I Am...等
灰狼罗伯,1943年7月31号生于佛罗里达首府塔拉哈西(Tallahassee)的Lobo原名为Roland Kent LaVoie。18岁加入The Rumors,开启了他的音乐生涯,28岁,发表了个人首张专辑《Introducing Lobo》,他的歌在美国市场反应平平,但是亚洲的歌迷却越来越喜欢他,其中包括台湾,由于台湾的歌迷实在是太热情了,1987年他特别重出江湖,录制了一张《Am I Going Crazy》专辑,由台湾的飞碟唱片发行。除了前来作宣传,专辑中他还特别为台湾歌迷唱了一首《Love to You Taiwan》在台湾市场获得的成功,让罗伯找到了另一个春天。他尝试把几首亚洲地区非常受欢迎的流行歌曲,填入了英文歌词,甚至还运用部分中国传统乐器,效果相当特别,除了亚洲之外,德国的市场也开始对罗伯怀念起来了。
灰狼Lobo罗伯的歌唱生涯总计缔造全球2000万张专辑销售纪录、拥有4首抒情榜冠军曲与8首抒情榜TOP 20,罗伯的音乐乐风浪漫温柔、词曲创作轻车熟路、演奏技巧才华横溢的Lobo,歌声温柔醇厚、歌曲动听易记,由一个年轻的小伙子变成一个慈善的老人,Lobo罗伯背着吉他,带着对音乐的热情活跃在舞台上,用他这醇厚柔和的嗓音,唱着一首首隽永情歌,他用歌声将民谣音乐的叙事与写意性格,转化成一份居家休闲的感觉,甚至对身处异乡的游子还会投射出一种思念家乡的情感。《How can I tell her 我该如何告诉她》来自罗伯1973年推出的第三张专辑《Calumet》他以温柔的歌声,唱出了一个脚踏两条船的男子心中的仿徨,这首歌曲获得了天下男性广大的回响,因此而红遍了全球。
第1个回答  2008-03-23
第2个回答  2008-03-27
第3个回答  2008-03-13