

n. 洗涤;洗的衣服;化妆水;冲积物
vt. 洗涤;洗刷;冲走;拍打
vi. 洗澡;被冲蚀[ 第三人称单数washes 过去式washed 过去分词washed 现在分词washing ]

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第1个回答  2012-10-12
wash 1
/ wɔʃ; wɔʃ/ n
[C usu sing 通常作单数] act of cleaning or being cleaned with water 洗; 洗涤: He looks as if he needs a good (ie thorough) wash. 他看样子得好好洗洗了. * have a wash (and brush up), ie wash oneself (and make oneself tidy, brush one's hair, etc) (梳)洗一下 * Please give the car a wash. 请把汽车冲洗一下. * The colour has faded after only two washes. 这个颜色只洗两水就退色了. * a cold wash, ie a wash in cold water 用冷水洗.
(a) the wash [sing] process of laundering clothes 洗熨衣物: All my shirts are in/have gone to the wash, ie are being laundered. 我所有的衬衣都洗着呢. (b) [C usu sing 通常作单数] quantity of clothes, sheets, etc (to be) washed (要)洗的衣物的数量: There is a large wash this week. 本星期有很多衣物要洗. * When does the wash come back from the laundry? 送到洗衣店的衣服什麽时候取回来?
[sing] (sound made by) disturbed water or air, eg behind a moving ship, aircraft, etc 搅动的水或空气(的声音)(如航行中的船﹑ 飞机等後面的): the wash of the waves against the side of the boat 波浪拍打船舷的声音 * the wash made by the steamer's propellers 汽船螺旋桨搅动的水.
[C] thin layer of water-colour painted on a surface (水彩的)薄涂层.
[U] waste scraps of food mixed in liquid and given to pigs to eat; swill (剩汤菜混合的)猪饲料.
(idm 习语) come out in the `wash (infml 口) (of mistakes, etc) come right or be put right eventually, without any harm being done (指错误等)最後完全正确或得以纠正(未造成损失).
# `washboard n board with ridges on it used (esp formerly) for rubbing clothes on when washing them 搓板.
`wash-day n (dated 旧) day on which clothes are washed 洗衣日.
`wash-drawing n drawing done with a brush in a black or neutral water-colour 水墨画.
第2个回答  2012-10-12
第3个回答  2012-10-12