用定语从句翻译句子 1.我们有一档特别节目通知学生们时事新闻 2.在

用定语从句翻译句子 1.我们有一档特别节目通知学生们时事新闻 2.在英语课上老师要求我读一首徐志摩写的诗 3.同学们都说这是他们听过的最好诗歌之一 4.所以我下定决心,将来也要上徐志摩上过的学校------剑桥大学 5.剑桥大学是一所非常古老的学校,他在科学领域上的成就是非常突出的。 6.对于想去国外读书的年轻人这所大学是个不错的选择 7.在伦敦有一条河名叫Cam River,流向城市的东北

1.we have a special program to inform students of
2.news in English class, the teacher asked me to read a poem written by Xu Zhimo
3.students said that this is one of the best poems they heard
4.so I decided the future also on Xu Zhimo's school, University of Cambridge in
5.University of Cambridge is a very the old school, he in the field of science's achievement is very prominent.
6.for the young people who want to go abroad to study this university is a good choice
7.in London there is a river called River Cam, flow to the northeast of the city.