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My brother is rather lovely.We all say that he is sure to be a handsome guy when growing up.He loves to play tricks,which always makes me unable to know whether to laugh or to cry.There is slaver when he is sleeping,forever!How funny he is!
第1个回答  2012-08-04
My young brother is so cute. We all believe that he will grow into a handsome young man. He likes to play little tricks, which always overwhelms me. He is such a funny creature that his mouth is always watering during sleep.追问

- -谢了

第2个回答  2012-08-04
My little brother is adorable, we all bet that he will grow into a charming young man. He loves to play prank and I am usually dumbfounded . He drools when he sleeps which make him cuter and funnier.追问

