

If you have finished eating you may leave the table.
你要是吃完了, 就可以离席了.
If (it is) necessary I will
come at 6.
如有必要, 我6点钟来.
You can stay to dinner
if you like.
你要是愿意的话, 可以留下一起吃饭.
If anyone calls
tell them I'm not at home. 有人来电话, 就说我不在家.
If the patient should vomit, turn him over
with his head to the side.
倘若病人要呕吐, 就帮他翻过身来, 头侧向一边
第1个回答  2014-01-10
1 I want to know if it is fine tomorrow.
2 He asked me if I had finished my homework.
3 My mother asks me if I have cleaned my bedroom
4 I don't know if he will come to my birthay party .
5 I wonder if my parents will take me to the park tomorrow.

第2个回答  2014-01-10
1、I wonder if he studies hard..
2、He asked us if everybody was here.
3、I asked if they would win.
4、We don’t know if our teachers will attend the class meeting.
5.Please tell me if you know the answers.