
In recent days,we have to face a problem ...A. which is beconmin more and more serious. First..... Second..... Faced with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing... For another Finally Personally, I believe that ... Consequentle, I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us because... 英语作文模板 帮我翻译下我要背 谢谢谢谢

I. First and foremost: I gotta tell you that there is two tiny faux pas(错误) in your questions, one of which is there is a "t" missed in the place prior to the "he" in your first sentence, and the other one appears in your third sentence which might be a grammatical error!
II. what's more: Translation: due to a lack of essential contexts I can only be able to translate them into the following(因为缺少必要的语境,所以我只能翻译成以下这样):

III. Last but not negligible:you should type your words more correctly, that way it will hep it to be easier for the problem-solvers to master the true idea you present hence to save your a lot of time!
Thanks! Hope this will be helpful to you!
and I wish my answer would be adopted by you as the best one!
Look forward to your reply soon!
第1个回答  2013-12-29
  面对A ,我们应该采取有效措施来处理这种情况 在意方面…对于另一方面
  就我个人而言,,我确信一个光明的前途等待我们 因为…满意请采纳o(∩_∩)o
第2个回答  2013-12-29
第3个回答  2013-12-29
近来,我们面临一个问题。A. 什么变得越来越严重。首先...其次....对于A,我们应该采取一系列的有效措施来应对这个情况。其一...其次 最后就个人而言,我相信...因此,我确信,美好的未来正等着我们,因为...