joyous joyful区别




1.joyous意思:adj. 高兴的; 快乐的; 令人愉快的;

2.joyful意思:adj. 高兴的; 快乐的; 令人愉快的;




The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love.




The meeting between the two families was a joyful one.





第1个回答  推荐于2016-02-07
joyous joyful delightful,pleased cheerful happy glad

1\ joyous 指“性情或气质上快乐的”, 如: a joyous family

2\ joyful指“一种外来事件使情绪强烈、起劲、愉快的”, 如:They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.

3\ delightful "令人高兴的, 使人快乐的 可爱的, 讨人喜欢的"
delightful weather爽快的天气
We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday.

4\pleased“欣喜的, 高兴的, 满意的 (常和with连用)”
We are very pleased with her decision.

5、happy 是常用词, 本义是“幸福的”, 指“由于幸福、满足而感到快乐”, 如:
He was very happy to hear that .

6、 cheerful 指“乐观愉快天性的自然流露, 包括在不利或令人不快的情况下保持愉快心情”, 如:
He always looked cheerful even in defeat.

7、glad 指“由于某一特定事情或原因而高兴的”, 如:
I'm very glad to have such a chance to go abroad.
第2个回答  2012-07-23
joyful指“一种外来事件使情绪强烈、起劲、愉快的”, 如:
They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.
joyous 指“性情或气质上快乐的”, 如:
a joyous family

Joyous vs Joyful
For the most part, these two words are often used by people without giving too much thought on their differences. Both of them are adjectives which describe the feeling of joy, and sometimes people use either one depending on the structure of the sentence or based on their own preferences.
Personal preferences or the way a person thinks have an effect on how these words are used. Favoring words that have similar meanings is very common among native speakers. Most people think that since “joyous” and “joyful” are technically the same, using either of them will imply the same meaning to the sentence regardless of its subject or structure. Still, there are times when you have to use the right word to give the sentence the “desirable effect” that it is supposed to deliver.
Experts agree that there are significant differences between the two words, and understanding the right way how to use these words will be more effective when using them in a sentence. When you look in the dictionary, you will notice that “joyous” and “joyful” have the same meaning. It might leave you with the impression that there is no difference between the two because both of them are interchangeable.
“Joyful” is often used to describe a person’s feelings of joy or state of happiness. This word tackles more on the emotional level of a person, and most people believe that it is the best word to be used when describing a person. This also holds true when one is expressing his own joy for others to notice (e.g. “He is a joyful person”).
“Joyous,” on the other hand, is best suited when describing events, things, times, and places. When this word is used, you will automatically think of something else rather than focusing on a single person or group of persons (e.g. “A joyous occasion”).

Surprisingly, the word “joyous” fits the sentence perfectly when you are referring to the feeling of joy that is experienced by an individual through something that is not directly referring to them. The feeling of joy obtained by a person through other means (aside from other people) like events and the like are focused on giving them a “joyful experience.”
Some people also think that using the word “joyful” gives a more personal approach because it describes “one’s own personal joy.” Hence, the word “joyful” is believed to be more commonly used than “joyous.”
If you’re not too confident in which word you are going to use to describe the feeling of joy that you want to imply, it’s best to look over your sentence first and check whether you are referring to a person or a thing. Understanding the medium on which the feeling of joy is experienced will give you an idea on which word to use. As previously mentioned, these two words are interchangeable, and not everyone will notice if you made a mistake when using them in your sentence.
1.“Joyful” is often used to describe a person’s feelings of joy or state of happiness. “Joyous,” on the other hand, is best suited when describing events, things, times, and places.
2.“Joyful” and “joyous” can be interchangeable.
第3个回答  2012-07-23