英语语句中的逗号后用连词引导下一个句子的条件是? 有些地方逗号后又用冠词怎么判断


1. 并列句有两个分句用and连接;有三个以上的分句时;前面的分句用逗号,最后两个分句用and连接。
He helps me and I help him. Tom is from New York, Peter is from London, Mary is from Scotland, Jim is from Washington and Ann is from Wales.
状语从句、介词短语一般置于句首时,若较长可用逗号跟主句分开,若较短也可以不用逗号; 置于句尾时,一般不用逗号。
When it is six in the morning(,) she begins to rise. After getting up(,) she begins to brush her teeth ,wash her face and prepare her breakfast. She goes to work at half past seven. She doesn't come back home from work when it is already dark.
2. 逗号后用冠词与逗号无关,只跟后面的词语有关。追问

