

Next semester, I plan to fully understand and memorize the materials given in class. I have three reasons. First, this can increase my learning efficiency and make me less lazy. Second, this can make my time outside of class more productive, and I won't be thinking about playing all the time. Third, this is a plan I didn't complete last sememster, so I hope to complete it this time.

前面你说有两个原因可是后来冒出了三个,我就把前面那个两个改成了三个。 呵呵。

我尽量翻译得简单,没用太复杂的词和结构 ~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、追问

您好、我正在写一个话题、可不可以帮我写写一个简单一点在80字到100字的英语作文。这个话题是Describe a new experience that you had when you were very young.when you decribe,pay attention to these!(when,where,what.how and your opinin of the experience.)就描述第一次写字或者上学。只要那个简单就行。谢谢。

第1个回答  2012-08-22
In next semester, I will be clear about all questions and memorize all study points after class time. I have three reasons for doing so. First of all, this can help me increase my study effency and encourage me not to be lazy. Second, I want to use my spare time in a more effective way instead of hanging out all the time. Third,this plan was made for last semester; I hope I can success this time.
