
1.成龙在1954年4月出生于香港。 2.他曾做过导演与演员。 3.他八岁开始拍电影,以《警察故事》著称。 4.他拥有很好的中国功夫,表演风格幽默。 5.他为电影做出巨大贡献,被誉为亚洲超级明星。 (请用英文翻译这五个句子,大家勇跃回答,但请不要使用网上的在线翻译,那些都是不对的,请凭你们的真本事,谢谢合作,答得好我承诺再加20分 ,急用!)

1.Jackie Chan born April 1953 in Hong Kong.
2.He was a director and actor.
3.He film his first movie "Hong Kong Police", since he was 8.
4.He good in Chinese Kung Fu. Humor is his perform style.
5.He did great contribution in film industry and was repute Superstar in Asia pacific.

我接受英文教育的,这些是我翻译的,参考一下。 ^-^
第1个回答  2008-10-30
第2个回答  2008-10-30
1 Jackie Chan(成龙)was born in april 1954 hongkong
2 He was ever be a director and actor
3 He film the first movie when he was 8 years old
4 He has a well basic of chinese kongfu and a humor-style of performence
5 He contributed greatly to the movie industry, and was honor to the Super Star in Asia
第3个回答  2008-10-30
1.jacky chen was borned in hongkong in april,1954.
2.he used to be a director and actor.
3.he began to product movie since he was eight years old,and be famous by the <<police story>>.
4.he has wonderful chinese kongfu and humor is his style of act.
5.he did huge coutribution for film and named as the superstar of asia.
第4个回答  2008-10-30
1. Jackie Chan was born in April 1954, Hongkong.
2. He was served as a director and actor.
3. He made his first film when he was 8, and be famoused by the movie <<Police Story>>.
4. He is good at Chinese Kongfu and has a humor style performence.
5. He did great contribution to the Movie Industry, and was honored with the Super Star in Asia.
第5个回答  2008-10-30
1.Jackie Chan in 1954, 4, was born in Hong Kong.
2.He has been director and actor.
3.He started eight-year-old film, "Police Story" with.
4.He has a very good Chinese martial arts, the performing style of humor.
5.He has made great contribution to the film, known as the Asian superstar.