

Chapter 1


No answer.


No answer.

"What's gone with that boy, I wonder? You TOM!"

No answer.

The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room; then she put them up and looked out under them.She seldom or never looked through them for so small a thing as a boy; they were her state pair, the pride of her heart, and were built for "style," not service -- she could have seen through a pair of stove-lids just as well. She looked perplexed for a moment,and then said, not fiercely, but still loud enough for the furniture to hear:

"Well, I lay if I get hold of you I'll --"

She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom, and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with. She resurrected nothing but the cat.

"I never did see the beat of that boy!"

She went to the open door and stood in it and looked out among the tomato vines and "jimpson" weeds that constituted the garden.No Tom. So she lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance and shouted:

"Y-o-u-u Tom!"

There was a slight noise behind her and she turned just in time to seize a small boy by the slack of his roundabout and arrest his flight.

"There! I might 'a thought of that closet. What you been doing in there?"


"Nothing! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that truck?"

"I don't know, aunt."

"Well, I know. It's jam -- that's what it is. Forty times I've said if you didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you. Hand me that switch."

The switch hovered in the air -- the peril was desperate --

"My! Look behind you, aunt!"
第一章 汤姆耍斗,东躲西藏


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
  中文; 这算什么——连猫也会梦见我的——不过话说回来了,这总比没梦见过我的好。你梦见我什么了?”
  This calculated that anything - - Lian Mao will also dream of me - - however, this compared to having not always dreamed of my good. What did you dream of my?” “, is this, on Wednesday night, I dream of you to sit in that bedside, hopes Germany to sit depending on the wooden crate, Mary leaves him not to be far.” “not wrong, we at that time were such sit. We often are punished for a crime like this. I am very happy you also such to worry in the dream for us.” “I also dream of Aunt Qiao ·ha handkerchief's also in here.” “oh, she has come! Also has?” “, are being many, but the present recorded has been not greatly clear.” “that as far as possible recalled that is good?” “I remembered that resembled the wind - - wind to blow out - - blew out - -” “to think well, Tom! The wind indeed blew out any thing, said!” Tom places the finger on the forehead, worries very much appearance. He had thought one will say: “I thought! The wind blew out the candle!” “I Oh! Too right! Then said that Tom - - then said again!” “I remembered that probably you said that disobeyed the ant peptide to knock twists “downward saying that Tom!” “lets me recall slightly - - do not worry. Oh, has been right, you said that you thought the gate is opening.” “I at that time looked like like this sit now in here, I have said truly! Right, Mary! Tom downward said!” “afterward ......Afterward ......Afterward occurred the matter, I a little ate do not permit. However I remembered as if you let hope Germany to go ......Going to .......” where does “go to? Said? Tom, what do I let him do? What does he do?” “you let him ......You ......Oh, you let him close the gate.” “, I Oh! I lived the most lifetime not to hear that had such strange event! Now I had understood the dream not is false. My this goes with the match Renne · handkerchief (Qiao's mother) saying that lets her explain this. She does not believe the superstition all along, this looked that she also had anything to say. Then downward said again, Tom!” “, all thought now. Afterward, you said that I do not go bad, but is mischievous. A little impetuous, harebrained. You added that I am the baby child (I thought you were such say), did not have a spot bad mind.” “no error! Oh, Oh! Then says, Tom!” “you have then cried.” “I cried. I have cried, that already was the routine matter. That afterward?”本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-07-27
第4个回答  2008-10-08