
近日,你板载知荣明耻教育活动中召开了一次关于学生荣辱观的主题班会,请根据下表中的内容,用英语写一篇作文,给某学生英文报中的Campus Trends (校园热点)栏目投稿,介绍该活动的详细情况。
二、对荣辱观的认识、①、以遵纪守法、关心集体、勤奋 学习等为荣 ②、以违反校规、自私自利、不思进取等为耻

注意:1、词数: 120-150

Young people are the future of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation bear the historical responsibility. The young people develop into what kind of successor to establish what kind of values, morality, General Secretary Hu Jintao explicitly pointed out: "in order to adhere to the love of the motherland proud, ashamed to harm the motherland, the people take pride in serving in order to deviate from the people ashamed To take pride in upholding science, the ignorant in order to shame to be proud of the hard work to despise labor and ashamed to be proud of solidarity in order to harm others to benefit oneself is a shame to take pride in being honest and trustworthy, in order to shame anything in order to Law-abiding proud, ashamed to violate the law and discipline, working hard to be proud, ashamed to extravagance and dissipation. "
On behalf of the National People's Congress, deputy political commissar of the Jinan Military Region, Zhang Yuan Chen, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, the People's Liberation Army Ordnance Engineering College Zhuo that the former president, General Secretary of the socialist concept of honor, covered the patriotism and socialism, as well as Chinese culture and code of conduct Ethical requirements of the guide for the people, especially young people distinguish between right and wrong to guide and cultivate a good social demeanor, is of great significance. Let the Chinese nation's traditional virtues and socialist ethics in the minds of all officers and men to take root, to promote ideological and political construction, to ensure that the party's absolute leadership, the effective discharge of our military's historical mission in the new era of great significance . We should honor the military academies concept of ideological and political education as an important part of education.
Members of the CPPCC National Committee, the Beijing Institute of Technology Professor Qi Kang and contains representatives of the National People's Congress, judicial officers of the Central Institute of Party Secretary Wang Hengqin said that the university is in the outlook on life, world outlook of the formation of a critical period. In the field of higher education is necessary to seriously implement the general secretary of the exposition, grasp its essence honor so that the concept of education occupied the position of classroom education has become the ideological and political work.
Chinese Science and Technology Museum curator Wang Yusheng, a member said: " 'proud to advocate science, ignorance to shame', as a popular science workers, in particular, the phrase I am deeply touched." He said that in recent years, China's Qing Juvenile ideological and moral construction relatively tight grasp, but it is not a scientific phenomenon still exists. To understand the laws of nature, respect for the laws of nature, we will have to oppose the feudal superstition, against ignorance, acting against the blind do.
"Some kids than eating, wearing, than anyone else's parent, but parents and others around indifferent to the children, so how can we talk about love of the motherland?" Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, deputy magistrate on behalf of the Secretary-min said, we have to To guide their children around from the little things, set a good moral values and the concept of honor.

Shanghai Cultural, Artistic Director of Radio, Film and Television Authority, said members of the Mabo Min, fosters their sense of ethics, teachers and parents should set an example, our artists have to seriously consider how to dedicate more entertaining works for young people.
Anhui People's Political Consultative Conference Vice-Chairman Peng Yu said that the moral construction in rural areas not to forget the children to stay. When they are thinking of the Enlightenment philosophy of life and shape a critical period, lack of parental love and family, their growth adversely. Children in the future and building a socialist new countryside is the main force, the grass-roots party organizations, schools and the village committee has the responsibility to care for them so that the healthy growth.