
你的性格形象,也许可说是「朴实人情型」,是 很讨厌摆出高尚样子的态度之平民派。交往时心直囗快,对四周的人稍多管闲事般的照顾,虽然说话硬, 但是心软、同情心厚,不会默默看人家的不幸。被一般同学所敬慕的你,可说具有典型的朴实气息。 想与同事同伴,彼此紧挽着手,互助协力来生存的意念浓厚,如果判断是可以心心相许的人,就如同 家人般的照顾,自己也显露真心,要求紧密无间的亲密关系,有时候甚至到被人视麻烦的地步。绝对不会 成为孤独的一只狼,而是与心思相通的同伴一起越过 这世间的障碍。由反面来看,B型-巨蟹座对于同伴以外的人很 小心,不容易开展心胸。几乎都用直觉来区别是敌是友的倾向,如果觉得是敌人,就一下子关闭心门。兼 有充满人情味的一面,以及不许人家接近的另一面。这很相似小地区的人对邻居很好,珍重彼此的来往, 但对外人却以冷淡的态度来应付。B型-巨蟹座具有充满母爱的性格,有着想温暖 地抱着家人的包容力,想保护所爱的人之防卫本能,不管如何,什么都接受的感性。什么环境都能适应, 有如生育孩子的坚强之母亲 ....可说是十分具有母性的 人。当保护自己及同伴的强烈的防卫本能出现时,在 同情及喜好照顾人的里面,潜在着对他人的一种母性之情。帮助有困难的人时,比如会注意到对方的健康 状况,如母亲般细腻的呵护。B型-巨蟹座,以感性来抓住一切的事情,相反 的,就有欠理性,因此事情不会很利落的进展,有把正反两点全然混入同点。对完全不同的两种意见,也 会分别的了解、赞成,时常都弄混乱了。B型-巨蟹座的人,比什么都重视生存的现实, 比起抽象,思想及宗教,更是个重视生活实用性的彻底的现实主义者,不论在于什么状况之中,都有强盛 的生存活力。


Your image of the character, might be described as "simple human feelings", it is assumed a noble hate like the attitude of the civilian population of the camp. Direct contacts between the heart when the fast population, slightly more people around to take care of your own business-like, while talking tough, but being soft-hearted, compassionate thick, will not quietly look at other people's misfortune. The students were generally admire you, it can be said with typical down-to-earth flavor. And like his colleagues, linked tightly to each other hand, third-party mutual aid to the survival of great ideas, if the judge is with hearts of many people, like family-like care, to show myself really require seamless intimate relationships, and sometimes To be trouble as the stage. Will never be lonely wolf, but with the same thought crossed the companion along this obstacle in the world. From the opposite point of view, B-- Cancer companion for people other than very carefully, it is not easy to carry out our hearts. Intuitive to use almost all of the enemy is the difference between the Friends of the tendency to think that if the enemy is, all of a sudden heart closed doors. Full of both human side, and not allow other people close to the other side. This is very similar to small areas of good neighbors, and from one another's treasure, but people's lukewarm attitude to deal with. Type B - Cancer is full of motherly love with a character, like a warm embrace to his family inclusive, to protect loved ones on the defensive instinct, no matter what, what are acceptable emotion. What can adapt to the environment, like a child's birth mother's strong .... can be said to be full of motherhood. When the protection of their companions and the emergence of a strong defensive instincts, and like to take care of sympathized with the people inside, with the potential to others as a maternal feeling. Helping people, such as the Council took note of each other's health status, such as mother's delicate care. Type B - Cancer, in order to seize all the emotional things to the contrary, it is not rational and therefore not very agile matters progress, the two completely mixed with the positive and negative points. On two completely different views were also understanding, in favor of the motion Dounong from time to time there is some confusion. Type B - Cancer, more than anything great importance to the survival of reality than the abstract, ideological and religious, more attention is a life full of practical realist, no matter what the situation is, have strong vitality for survival.

There is adapt to the environment is rich in talent, intuition, learn to focus and it helps to overcome difficulties. Tired easily, by the Haowumubiao one thing to another eldest wavering. A charming personality and good sense of humor, will attract many friends.
第1个回答  2008-12-17
这个太多了 你可以去 爱词霸 网站 打上汉字 翻译到英文

参考资料:http://fy.iciba.com/ 网站!

第2个回答  2008-12-17
Your image of the character, might be described as "simple human feelings", it is assumed a noble hate like the attitude of the civilian population of the camp. Direct contacts between the heart when the fast population, slightly more people around to take care of your own business-like, while talking tough, but being soft-hearted, compassionate thick, will not quietly look at other people's misfortune. The students were generally admire you, it can be said with typical down-to-earth flavor. And like his colleagues, linked tightly to each other hand, third-party mutual aid to the survival of great ideas, if the judge is with hearts of many people, like family-like care, to show myself really require seamless intimate relationships, and sometimes To be trouble as the stage. Will never be lonely wolf, but with the same thought crossed the companion along this obstacle in the world. From the opposite point of view, B-- Cancer companion for people other than very carefully, it is not easy to carry out our hearts. Intuitive to use almost all of the enemy is the difference between the Friends of the tendency to think that if the enemy is, all of a sudden heart closed doors. Full of both human side, and not allow other people close to the other side. This is very similar to small areas of good neighbors, and from one another's treasure, but people's lukewarm attitude to deal with. Type B - Cancer is full of motherly love with a character, like a warm embrace to his family inclusive, to protect loved ones on the defensive instinct, no matter what, what are acceptable emotion. What can adapt to the environment, like a child's birth mother's strong .... can be said to have a very maternal instinct. When the protection of their companions and the emergence of a strong defensive instincts, and like to take care of sympathized with the people inside, with the potential to others as a maternal feeling. Helping people, such as the Council took note of each other's health status, such as mother's delicate care. Type B - Cancer, in order to seize all the emotional things to the contrary, it is not rational and therefore not very agile matters progress, the two completely mixed with the positive and negative points. On two completely different views were also understanding, in favor of the motion Dounong from time to time there is some confusion. Type B - Cancer, more than anything great importance to the survival of reality than the abstract, ideological and religious, more attention is a life full of practical realist, no matter what the situation is, have strong vitality for survival.

There is adapt to the environment is rich in talent, intuition, learn to focus and it helps to overcome difficulties. Tired easily, by the Haowumubiao one thing to another eldest wavering. A charming personality and good sense of humor, will attract many friends