汉译英 高手进 不要机器

汉译英 分数不多 高手帮忙 机器免进 我看得出来 谢谢大家

在我10岁的时候 我爸爸的生意很不好 我们的生活也变得颠沛流离 后来我们住在一个让我终身难忘的地方 那里什么人都有 有酒鬼 赌徒 厮混的男女 那里才是世界上最肮脏的地方!我总是离那些人远远的

第1个回答  2008-12-16
My father's business took a downturn when I was ten years old, we also changed to lead a vagrant life, drifting from place to place.We later on lived in a place that I would never forget for the rest of my life,a place where you found all sorts of people: drunkards, gamblers,males and females fooled around boisterously.In that case, it was the filthiest place on earth! I invariably kept a long distance from those people.
第2个回答  2008-12-15
When I was 10 years old, my father's business did not go well, our life became very hard too and we had to move all the time. Later we lived at a place which I would never forget in my life, where there were all kinds of people, alcoholics, gamblers, prostitutes... That was the dirties place of the world! I always try to stay far away from these people.本回答被提问者采纳