那个,可不可以麻烦一下 关于杰克·伦敦的《热爱生命》英文好句,没有翻译也可以,有的话更好。


“I say, Bill, I’ve sprained my ankle.” Bill staggered on through the milky water. He did not look around. The man watched him go, and though his face was expressionless as ever, his eyes were like the eyes of a wounded deer. The”― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories

“Though alone, he was not lost. ”
― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories

“And, dying, he declined to die.”
― Jack London, Love of Life
tags: badass
“hard as he strove with his body, he strove equally hard with his mind, trying to think that Bill had not deserted him, that Bill would surely wait for him at the cache. He was compelled to think this thought, or else there would not be any use to strive, and he would have lain down and died. ”
― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories
“He unwrapped his pack and the first thing he did was to count his matches. There were sixty-seven. He counted them three times to make sure. He divided them into several portions, wrapping them in oil paper, disposing of one bunch in his empty tobacco pouch, of another bunch in the inside band of his battered hat, of a third bunch under his shirt on the chest. This accomplished, a panic came upon him, and he unwrapped them all and counted them again. There were still sixty-seven. He”
― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories
“There were no trees, no bushes, nothing but a gray sea of moss scarcely diversified by gray rocks, gray lakelets, and gray streamlets. The sky was gray. There was no sun nor hint of sun. He had no idea of north, and he had forgotten the way he had come to this spot the night before. But he was not lost. He knew that. Soon he would come to the land of the little sticks. He felt that it lay off to the left somewhere, not far—possibly just over the next low hill. He”
― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories
“The hunger pangs were sharp. They gnawed and gnawed until he could not keep his mind steady on the course he must pursue to gain the land of little sticks. ”
― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories
“I say, Bill, I’ve sprained my ankle.” Bill staggered on through the milky water. He did not look around. The man watched him go, and though his face was expressionless as ever, his eyes were like the eyes of a wounded deer. The other man limped up the farther bank and continued straight on without looking back. ”
― Jack London, Love of Life: & Other Stories追问

