安徒生的介绍 用英文

怎么用英语介绍他作品对儿童和大人的影响啊 还有他童年很困苦却写出了这么多的童话 给我们哪些启迪 这些用英语怎么写啊

Anderson (1,805 - 1,875) Danish writer. On April 2, 1805 had been born in the Danish Fyn Odense's slum area. The father is a poor shoemaker, once volunteered the service, resists Napoleon's aggression, after retired from the armed services dies from illness in 1816. When washes the clothing maker the mother namely to remarry soon. Anderson for impoverished suffers since childhood, is the apprentice successively in several shops, has not received the regular education. The youth time namely has the interest to the stage, fantasized works as a singer, the actor or the playwright. In 1819 in the Copenhagen imperial family theater has worked as a young supporting role. Latter because the throat loses Run to dismiss. From this time on starts to study writing, but writes the script completely ill is suitable for the performance, has not used for the theater. In 1822 obtained theater director approximately natrium Si Corrin's subsidization, went study in the Slye distress you a Chinese zither grammar school. These year he has written "Youth's Attempt" a book, by William Chrystie peaceful Walter's pen name publication. This pen name has included Sha Shibiya, Anderson and Si Gete name. In 1827 published the first poem "Dying Child", in 1829, he entered the University of Copenhagen to study. His first important work "1,828 And in 1829 to Arab League Stepped East Distress Island from Hall Gate Canal Angle Walk To record" is published in 1829. This is rich in the sense of humor the travel notes, quite has the German writer Hoffman's literary style. This travel notes publication enable Anderson to obtain society's preliminary acknowledgement. Hereafter he continues to be engaged in the play to create. In 1831 he went to Germany to travel, in the homeward journey has written the traveling note. In 1833 went to Italy, has created a poem play "In Egger Especially with Mermaid" and take Italy as the background novel "Extemporaneously Poet" (1,835). After the novel publication soon, is translated the German and English, symbolized the author starts to have the international prestige.
第1个回答  2008-10-10
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) is a Danish author and poet, wrote many poems, plays, stories and travel essays, but is best known for his fairy tales.

Two centuries after his birth, he still fails to be universally acknowledged as the world-class author he no doubt was. In blunt terms, Andersen's fame stifles his wider appreciation. His name puts smiles on peoples' faces around the world from China to the United States, but the smile is one of childhood nostalgia and memories of bedside storytelling.

Certainly, Andersen himself hoped for more. Having also written novels and plays, he disliked being tagged as a "children's poet." Indeed, while the fantastic quality of his fairy tales appealed to children, their darker elements were often aimed at adults. He wanted to be "a poet of all age groups" and, significantly, when a statue to him was erected on his 70th birthday, four months before his death, he insisted that it show him reading to unseen listeners.

Even at that stage, he saw himself as the outsider he had been all his life. Andersen was born to a cobbler and washerwoman in Odense on April 2, 1805; his childhood love of singing and theater led him to move to Copenhagen at 14. There he hoped to find work as a singer and dancer, but failure prompted him to try his hand at writing. Then, thanks to a chance meeting, he won a scholarship to school and university paid for by King Christian.

When he finally graduated, still poor but ever ambitious, he resumed his writing. But it was not until he was 30 that he wrote his first fairy tales. "The Little Mermaid," published in Denmark in 1836 and across Europe within a decade, made his name. Other collections followed, and soon he was being lionized in Copenhagen and beyond. He began traveling widely and also published essays about his wanderings.

Yet he remained an outsider, and it was probably this that enabled him to empathize with many of the losers who appear in his stories. Biographers invariably argue that he identified with "The Ugly Duckling," who was abused for his odd appearance until it was recognized he was actually a swan, and that he remembered his mother's difficult early years when he wrote "The Little Match-Seller," who ends up freezing to death.

