

may 1 [mei] v.aux. 过去式might /mait/ [情态动词,后接不带to的动词不定式] [表示许可或用于请求许可]可以: 例句: You may go. 你可以走了。 May I borrow your pen? 我可以借你的笔吗? [表示可能性]可能,也许: 例句: It may rain. 可能要下雨。 She may come or she may not. 她也许来,也许不来。 [表示祝愿、希望]祝,愿: 例句: May you have a very happy life! 祝你们生活幸福美满! May you succeed! 祝你成功! [用于问句中表示不确定]会: 例句: Who may the boy be? 这个男孩会是谁呢? [用于从句中表示目的](以便)能,可以: 例句: I do that you may know my plans. 我那么干是为了让你知道我的计划。 [常与well连用,表示有充分的理由](完全)能;满可以: 例句: He may well refuse to speak to you, because he's in a bad mood. 他很可能拒绝和你说话,因为他的情绪不好。 [用于从句中表示期望]能够,会: 例句: We hope she may succeed. 我们希望她会成功。 [用于从句中表示让步]可能: 例句: She has decided to leave him, come what may. 无论怎样,她已下决心要离开他。 [用于法令条款中,相当于shall或must]须,得 [古语][表示能力]能够 vi. [废语]有能力 近义词: can . 短语 1. as best one may尽最大努力 2. be that as it may不管怎么样,尽管是这样 3. may(或might)(just)as well倒不如;(满)可以;不妨…;还是…的好 4. may as well…as…(做)…与(做)…一样,等于… 5. may well不妨;大可以,很有理由 6. that is as may be那倒不一定;还没证实 may 2 [mei] n. 【植物】 山楂属植物;英国山楂;山楂花 (春天开花的)绣线菊属植物 (五朔节装饰用的)绿枝花枝 may 3 [mei] n. [古语]少女 May 1 [mei] 梅(女子名)[昵称Mary,亦作Mae] May 2 [mei] n. 1. 五月 2. 春天,春季[亦作may] 3. 青春;壮年[亦作may] 4. [m-]【植物】 英国夏花山楂树枝(或花);英国夏花山楂(树)(Crataegus oxyacantha) 5. (英国风俗)五朔节的欢庆活动 6. “五一”国际劳动节庆祝活动 7. [Mays](英国剑桥大学的)五月考试;五月赛艇会 vi. [亦作m-]春天采花[主要用于to go maying 去采五月花] 短语 1. as mild as May(人)非常和蔼 2. merry men of May落潮时的滚滚波浪 may [mei] n. 1. the month following April and preceding June 2. thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America 以上来源于: WordNet 例句与用法 I do that you may know my plans. 我那么干是为了让你知道我的计划。 May Flower Company, may I help you? 五月花公司,我能为你服务吗? No one shall buy meat in the first week of May . 五月的第一个星期请大家不要购买任何肉品 might 1 [mait] n. 1. 体力;精力;能力;威力;力量 2. 强权,势力,权势 3. [方言]许多,大量 4. 可能性 近义词: strength . 短语 with (或 by) (all one's) might and main竭尽全力,全力以赴地 might 2 [mait] v. . [无人称变化,后接不带 to 的动词不定式,用来表示 may 1 的过去、现在或将来的各种情态意义] [表示不确定]可能,也许: 例句: You might think you're clever, but that doesn't give you the right to order her about! 你也许认为自己很聪明,但你没有权力向她发号施令! It might be very cold. 可能会很冷。 [用在问句中作礼貌用语,恳求许可]可以: 例句: Might I come in? 我可以进来吗? Might I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗? [用在表示希望和目的等的从句中]会,能够: 例句: I'd have thought you might remember your father's birthday. 我原以为你会记得你父亲的生日的。 He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it. 他写下了我的地址,以便能够记住它。 [表示请求或婉转的责备]请,应该: 例句: They might at least apologize. 他们至少该表示歉意。 [用在问句中代替 do (或does) 或 is (或 are) 以表示挖苦或妄自尊大]: 例句: What might your sister want? 你姐姐究竟要什么? And what might this mean? 这又是什么意思? [后接 but](虽然)也许: 例句: You might think it's a good thing, but it's not. 你也许以为这是一桩好事,但它不是。 You might think her temper is as mild as milk, but she is not. 你也许以为她的脾气十分温和,但她不是。 短语 1. might (just) as well倒不如;满可以,最好还是…,还是…为好 2. might well很可能 变形: v.aux might [mait] n. physical strength 以上来源于: WordNet 例句与用法 You might bunk down in that hotel. 你可以在那家旅馆弄个铺位。 I shudder to think what might happen. 我想到可能发生的事而战栗。 If wishes were horses, beggars might ride. 如果愿望是马,乞丐也有马骑。
第1个回答  2019-02-28


第2个回答  2011-10-08
I may pass the test this time.
I might pass the test this time.